
Wednesday 15 December 2010

Emails, and Appeals …

Pointless piece of trivia for you, here …

Did you know it’s — as I write — 13:25 in Los Angeles … ?

You didn’t … ?

Neither did I, ’til I had a look at one of me clocks …


Which wasn’t exactly what I had in mind, when I started writing this …

I get mildly distracted, when I’m tired: you can tell, can’t you … ?

At any rate, bless ’er, I had Councillor Chilvers wonder into the shop, earlier: mostly yo have a mosey around and to say ‘Hi’.

I don’t think any of the stock caught her eye.

But she was certainly impressed enough to tweet about it!!

And leave me with a bit of a hot tip: seemingly, the planned development that had been refused in Fairfield Road — for more flats, so you know — is being appealed by the developers.

Sounds about right, given Brentwood Council’s history …

Hopefully, though … ?

It’s something I hope gets turned down: that boxing gym’s being eyed up by at three people I know.


Moving on … ?

Moving on, I’ve got to admit, I’ve been emailing the Gazette, again: mostly in annoyance at Eric Pickles’ column: about tuition fees, so you know.

Here’s what I told them …
Dear Sir,

I’ve got to admit, I’m writing after reading Eric Pickles column, in this weeks Gazette.

And admit, as I’ve written in my blog, I’m a disillusioned Lib-dem voter.

Now, I don’t have access to any of the government figures showing the university tuition fee — or the cap on the Educational Maintenance Allowance — as he does.

But my two younger sisters are both university graduates: ones still in debt as a result of things as they stand.

I think both they — and the law abiding students who’ve been peacefully protesting — wouldn’t call what he’s calling “the truth about fees”, a good thing.

And can only hope the current coalition government are voted out at the next election. After making a travesty of our childrens’ futures. And one too many blatantly broken promises.
Here’s hoping that gets published …

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