
Thursday 30 December 2010

Salt: blood, guts, spies and Angelina in a wet T-shirt

You know, it really is a shame tha Kevin D and Tootles couldn’t join Movie Night Adrian and I, tonight.

Because I think — just think — that they’d’ve enjoyed tonight’s film.

I could be wrong, mind.

The movie in question … ?

Was the 2010, Phillip Noyce directed, Angelina Jolie thriller, Salt.


31st December, 2010.

Salt sees Jolie playing CIA agent, Evelyn Salt: who, at the start of the film, has been returned to the US as part of a spy exchange with North Korea.

All because her fiance and soon to be husband — arachnologist, Mike Krause, played by August Diehl — caused something of a scene, according to her boss Agent Ted Winters, played by Liev Schreiber.

After recovering, and on the date of her second anniversary, Salt and Winters are preparing to clock off duty, when asked to debrief a Russian defector.

One who has a nasty surprise for Salt and Winters.

There’s a cadre of highly trained sleeper agents in the USA.

One of whom is soon to kill the Russian President.

And who goes by the name …

Of Evelyn Salt


You know, it’s tempting to throw in the phrase, “With hilarious results” at this point, but I’ll try and avoid it …

At any rate, the rest of the film … ?

Sees Salt going on the run to try and prove her innocence.

And at one point … ?

Forced to kill her husband, by her KGB controller: by either drowning or shooting, depending on whether you’re watching the theatrical, extended or director’s cut*.

As you can imagine …


Now, I’ve got to admit, Salt managed to create a little bit of debate, it really did.

And I think — only think, mind — that me and Adrian have managed to come come up with some sort of vaguely way of rating a film.

Into the following …

  • GO GET NOW: If you’ve missed ’em, more fool you.★★★★
  • Keepers: films worth watching, highly watchable and keeping a copy of: at least, certainly worth a second look★★★☆
  • Watchers: entertainingly watchable, and worth watching, possibly even thought provoking, but not necessary worth keeping★★☆☆
  • Nice to have seen: but mostly forgettable★☆☆☆
  • And finally …
  • ForGET it☆☆☆☆

  • And I think I can give you a title or two, there, as well: Things to Do In Denver When You’re Dead is/was definitely a Go Get. Inception, on the other hand, was one we both felt fell off the end of the list: way down below ForGET◊.

    Which is possibly where me and Adrian will disagree: I’m thinking Salt is possibly a Keeper, Adrian putting it somewhere in the Watcher category.

    So …

    This is where I’ll leave things.

    I’m going to ask you …

    Go see Salt.

    Leave me a comment.

    And let me — and Adrian — know what you think of it … !

    * There’s an old joke of Lenny Henry’s, from back in the 1980s that I always dig out for this sort of situation: Lenny goes into a record shop, back in the day, and asks for a record. The chap on the counter says “Do you want the UK 7 inch, the US 7 inch, the album version, the 12 inch, the 12 inch Dance mix, the US 12 inch dance mix, the Funky Groove remix, the MC Apocalypse, DJ Crash Bandicoot or extended DJ Mixmaster version?” Lenny’s rather arch reply?

    “Can I have the one where they got it right … ?”

    Although I’m very well aware that Kevin D will disagree, there: he felt Inception should be given another go around.

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