
Wednesday 9 February 2011

The Gazette … And synchronicity … 

Oh …

Now that’s …

Well …

Strange … ?

Weird … ?

Asymptomatic of deep-seated spiritual problems in the modern chicken-farmer … ?

Actually, I think we can ignore that last bit, unless you’re a chicken-farmer.

You see, I’ve just had a bit of a coincidence happen to me: something I think Jüng would’ve called a synchronicity: a meaningful coincidence, in other words.

You see, I’d bought a copy of the Brentwood Gazette, this morning.

And was drafting an email about the Town Hall: seemingly, Brentwood Council decided, after a rather noisier meeting than usual, to demolish it.

Here’s what I sent them …
Dear Sir,

I’ve got to admit, I read the article in this week’s Gazette about the Council’s heated discussion about Brentwood’s Town Hall.

And find myself having a certain amount of mixed feelings.

On the one hand … ?

On the one hand, I’m sympathetic to the idea of cutting the operating costs.

On the other, I’m thinking that the Council’s seeming incompetence at running the local economy means that the Town hall gets shut.

Definitely a disappointment, I’m thinking.

I’m one of Brentwood’s many socially housed tenants.

For me, and for many others, Brentwood’s Town hall is an important part of our lives: for those of us who pay rent — and Council Tax — to Brentwood Council, claim benefits for either, and many other thing’s, it is a first port-of-call.

Now, granted, the two options presented leave something as a focal point for residents.

But I — for one — couldn’t help notice that any options for renting out out the unused floors … seemingly hadn’t been costed: or presented at the meeting.

Given we know Brentwood Council can be a touch lax about these things … ?

I can’t help but wonder if Tory members had bothered.

Purely to make sure the options they wanted were mostly likely to go through.
The weird bit … ?

Or strange/odd/chicken-farmer-spiritual-crisisy, however you want to put it … ?

Was just as I was getting the draft copied over from the open Pages window and into an email to send to them … ?

I gat a call from Gazette Journalist, Paul Ainsworth!

See what I mean … ?

And about a subject I know I’d heard nothing about for a while.

The parking, here on Rollason Way …

Seems a few have been complaining about plastic barriers at the other end of Rollason Way.

I told him what I could, although I don’t know if I was any help: beyond giving Paul a certain amount of ‘insight’.

Which makes me sound like some sort of wizened ol’ hermit, on a mountain top, dispensing the odd bit of wisdom, as and when asked …

Oh, well.

If nothing else, it sounds like I’m going to get a mention in next week’s Gazette, whatever happens … !

Either way … ?

Enjoy the light-cycle race …


  1. I think the real issue is the obstruction of the left side pavement of Rollason Way by parked vehicles.
    I'm looking into what can be done about it.

  2. Adrian, I just hope the Gazette mentions that … !

    Someone might need to send them a letter …

  3. Well tell them, your the local reporter!

  4. Good forbid any resident down this road requires a fire engine or ambulance, there is no chance in hell!... I have been told many a time to call out a fire engine, and record how long it takes it to get down the road.... this also includes the top of St James Road!!... Nightmare, and cant believe from a council, nothing has been done!


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