
Tuesday 22 February 2011

Saving Our Libraries: The Email … !

This is literally going to be just a quick post.

I have got dinner on the go, after all.

But I thought I’d let you know I’ve just emailed a version of Councillor Chuilvers’ template letter to Susan Carragher, Essex County Council’s Director of Libraries.

It looks like that email address isn’t as out of date as I’d thought.

Or, at least, I’ve not had a “Your Message Has Not Been Sent” notification, anyway.

Here’s what I sent her:
Dear Ms Carragher

Thank you for asking the people of Brentwood, Shenfield and Ingatestone to take part in the consultation about the future opening hours of each library.

I can’t help but be disappointed that there’s no options to keep Brentwood Library open on a Sunday as this is a time many frequently use the library.

I would ask that the consultation includes an option to open on a Sunday: preferably retaining the 1pm – 4pm Sunday opening.

Indeed, I’ve even suggested a possible timetable, here.

I hope this options can be explored, before a final decision is taken.

Yours sincerely
Now, whether that’ll have any effect, I don’t know.

I can’t even swear that it’ll get an answer.

Or comment, here …

As soon as something happens … ?

I’ll let you know.

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