
Monday 21 February 2011

Saving Out Library: Following On …

You know, I’ve got to admit, I’ve got the telly on at the moment.

BBC 3, to be frank.

They’re re-showing the penultimate episode of Matt Smith’s first season as Dr Who. Complete with a scene I’m convinced Stephen Moffat only threw in to make Mary Whitehouse — where-ever she may be buried — rotate at a very rapid speed!

Not that I’m complaining.

The older I get, the more concerned I feel about things on TV.

But, my word, she weren’t half an annoyance to a young fan … !

I liked those scares, thank you very much … !

But lets move on, shall we … ?

Yes … … … … …


I wrote, yesterday, about the library, and how local Lib-Dem Councillor, Karen Chilvers had organised something of a protest, as Essex County Council had made no provision for Sunday opening in the Consultation they’re holding.

Something she’s posted about on her site..

In last night’s post about the protest — Protest, Day Of Action or Demo, Councillor … ? Just so I know — she also included the template letter she suggests we modify and send to Susan Carragher*, the Director of Libraries and Culture at Essex County Council.

Here …
Your address here

Today’s Date

Susan Carragher
Director of Libraries and Culture
Room 11, Library Headquarters
Goldlay Gardens
Essex CM2 0EW

Dear Ms Carragher


Thank you for asking us to take part in the consultation about the future opening hours of the library.

We are disappointed that there are no options to keep our library in New Road open on a Sunday as this is a time we frequently use the library.

We would ask that the consultation includes an option to open on a Sunday and please take notice that we would like to retain the 1pm – 4pm Sunday opening.

Additional comments here

We hope that more options would be explored before a final decision is taken.

Yours sincerely

Your name
As I’ve said in a footnote, I’m none too sure if that email address is currant.

But feel free to try …


* Be warned, I’m not sure if the email address included in that link is current: but feel free to try.

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