
Wednesday 16 March 2011

Councillor Joan Holmes Won’t Be Getting My Vote

You know, isn’t it amazing what you find out if you keep your ears to the ground?

I’ve found out the the roads are covered in gravel, for a start.

The really pointy sort that gets stuck in your ear canal.

That’s just for starters … !

The other bit … ?

Is that you can find out about planning meetings.

Specifically about the planning meetings concerning Saint James Road.

Seemingly, Brentwood Council’s planning commitee approved the extension to the planning application that allows more time for an office block to be built, just around the corner from me, in Saint James Road.

Yeah …

The heavily advertised one.

Ahem … !

At any rate, I spoke out against the residential flats the developers wanted to build there, a few months ago, and still don’t like the idea of anything being built there.

I’m just disappointed I couldn’t get to the planning meeting about it.

Because I’m told that Brentwood West’s one Tory councillor, Councillor Joan Homes, was quoted as saying that residents were “broadly in favour” of it.

Well …

The source I had, didn’t name names, but as there’s only one Tory councillor for the area …

So …

Given Councillor Holmes email address isn’t THAT hard to find, I sent her this …

Dear Councillor Holmes,

I’m writing in regard to the extension to the planned office block on Saint James Road.

I’m informed that you spoke on the subject, and said that residents in the area are broadly in favour of the development going ahead.

Speaking for myself — and, I believe, for many others in Rollason Way, just around the corner from the development — I think I can safely safe I am not. I also feel I speak for many of my fellow residents, many of whom signed the petition against the residential development on the same patch of land.

I’d like to ask — at this point — what your motivations are for voting for this extension.

And ask if you — and all those who voted for this eyesore in the making — will be stepping down from your office as councillor for Brentwood West, as you have badly let down your constituents.
Oh, and sent this to the Gazette …

Dear Sir,

I’ve got to admit, I’ve just heard that Brentwood Council’s Planning Committee have decided to extend planning permission for a proposed block of offices in Saint James Road.

I’m disappointed, I really am. Especially given that, a few months back, I spoke out against the proposed flats that the developers had wanted to put there: something that thankfully got refused.

I’m also told that the one Conservative member for Brentwood West spoke in favour of the extension. And told the committee that residents in the area were broadly in favour of it.

I’m a resident of Rollason Way. Just around the corner from the proposed development.

I spoke out against the residential flats on the same land, and still believe any further development will be bad for my street.

And from talking to my neighbours in the area, one of whom lives direct;y opposite the plot in question … ?

Know there is still opposition in Saint James Road.

I can effectively say that councillor is talking twaddle.

I’d like to know one thing, at this stage.

Will that councillor be stepping down, from both the Council and the associated committees … ?

As she obviously don’t speak for her constituents.
Here’s hoping I get some form of reaction … !

Feel free to copy and paste things into you email client or webmail service …

1 comment:

  1. Huzzah! Go Paul! I'd vote her out, if I lived in Brentwood West. :)


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