
Tuesday 5 April 2011

Libya: What On Earth … ?

You know, I’ve got to admit to being something of a news watcher, sometimes.

Hell, who isn’t … ?

Well …

Possibly the Amish, I’d imagine.

And some of the various Native South American groups that haven’t made contact with the rest of the world …

But you get my point, I think.


But I was saying … !

I’m a news watcher.

It’s hard not to be these days.

And a couple of things caught my eye, over the past couple of days.

The fact that there’s … problems … in Libya, recently, is obvious.

You can’t miss it, can you … ?

Neither’s something else.

The fact that, here in the UK, the economy is in a bit of a state.

Even as I speak, Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, has just floated past on the BBC News Channel, to say how the Coalition Government is to review the proposed cuts and reorganisation of Britain’s Nation Health Service.

But in all of this … ?

I can’t help but notice a thing or three has grabbed my attention.

For starters … ?

In a poll for Radio Four, it seems there’s less support for British and allied actions in Libya, than there was for the conflict in Iraq.

I can see why.

The cuts are unpopular, and have already hit Britain’s public services, and its armed forces.

Along with the announced Army and Navy redundancies?

We’re sending four more Tornado jets to an Italian airbase, on top of the 18 that’s already there, to help with the Libya action.

There’s probably a lot of questions, there.

What the HELL are we doing?”, is only the first one!

Why are we interfering with another country’s internal politics …

And cutting British public services?

Now, I agree, Colonel Gaddafi’s regime is not a nice one: which hasn’t stopped us selling artillery to it.

But in these times of trouble … ?

The government’s handling of both really isn’t sensible.

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