
Monday 11 April 2011

The Rollason Way and Saint James Road Parking Saga … !

Ahhhh …

Well, THAT looks like it was nothing to worry about.

Remember that I mentioned I couldn’t access my Facebook account, earlier … ?

The FUNNY thing is … ?

Literally, the next page I went to after posted that little whinge … ?

Was Facebook.

Which went and let me in perfectly …

I’ve got to ask, if FB’s thought about doing site maintenance when people are tucked up in bed … ?



At ANY rate … ?

One thing I knew I meant to flag up for my neighbours, today, was this car, was this parked car: parked, I should add, on Saint James Road, near its junction with Rollason Way.

Now, I’m not sure, but I believe it’s a car owned by one of the people living in the flats in Saint James Road.

I’m fairly sure I’ve seen it there a few times before.

But I’m ALSO certain I’ve not seen it with a huge dent in it, up until today.

Obviously, I’m wondering what on earth happened …

And wondering what on earth the local police are doing about it …

If I here anything about it … ?

I’ll let you know …

But I think it only goes to show a point, I’ve always maintained about my part of town: that the congested parking is bad enough to give normal sized cars problems, let along anything else.

* Oh, bit of a computer geek’s lightbulb joke for you: how many coders does it take to change a lightbulb … ? None. It’s a hardware problem …

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