
Saturday 14 May 2011

In The Docky …

Hmmm … …

You know, I’ll happily admit I’ve got two computers.

You’ve probably worked that out, haven’t you … ?

And I’ll be frank, MUCH as I’d like a MacBook pro with all the options, the laptop I’ve got — nicknamed Archie, in contrast to Bruce, my Mid-2007 model Mac Mini — is a PC.

But not one running Windows.

Originally, Archie was using a version of Arch-Linux: an OS I personally liked, but as a non-coder found a touch too reliant on the command line for things like common-or-garden updates.

So I managed to install Xubuntu on the old boy.

Granted, I had a problem with the video output to the laptop’s monitor.

But one that was fairly easily solved, albeit with a bit of fiddling about.

At any rate ...

At any rate, I managed to get Xubuntu up and running.

And went a-hunting for something I'd only read a couple of articles about.

I went looking for Docky: in all the wrong places, initially ...

OK ...

You’ve probably got a confused look on your face, haven’t you ... ?

Maybe I should tell you what a Dock actually is, shouldn’t I ... ?

Quite a few years ago, now, my first Mac was a Performa 6400/200 that came with what Apple were then calling System 7.

Part of that ...

Was the Launcher, a special Finder window that you could add and remove files, folder and applications from.

And you could access anything in the Launcher with just one click.

In point of fact Mac OS X's Dock is a descendant of that Launcher.

And also something I know I've gotten very used, just being able to access files and apps with just one click.

So ...

Finding out that there are quite a few Launcher/Docking applications in the open-source world was a welcome piece of news.

Several, in fact ...

Then one I went with, eventually - mostly as it was at the top of the list in the Ubuntu Software Centre - was Docky.

You can see it in the pictures I've uploaded.

And I don't know HOW Docky's creators have done it, but they've actually come up with what - to me - feels like a very good Xubuntu version of the equivalent app in OS X.

I'm pleased with it, so far.

Actually ...

Bless her, I even had Movie Night regular, Squeaky pop in on me, Thursday night, complete with her fellah, Brad, and a copy of Underworld. Bless 'er, she was impressed, too.

And if Squeaky, bless her, can get the hang of clicking on an icon to open a document - AND the associated application - well ...

I'm just betting I can talk anyone else 'round ... !

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