
Tuesday 24 May 2011

The Rocketeer: Smoke Fire, and a Retro Gernsback Continuum Type Thing …

You know, there are times when a Tuesday night movie …

Turns into a Tuesday early evening movie, it really does …

Strange, but true.

And I’ll happily admit, tonight’s early evening film … ?

Was something that, bless ’im, Kevin D had sugested when he was over on Saturday.

The 1991, Joe Johnston directed film, The Rocketeer.

And I’ve got to admit, I’m rather pleased to have seen it: believe it or not, I hadn’t, until tonight … !


The Rocketeer is loosely based on the 1980s comic book of the same, and sees Billy Campbell as Cliff Secord: a struggling race-pilot who, along with friend and mechanic, Peevy — Alan Arkin — are try to build, test, and and enter a plane into a set of national trials.

During one such test … ?

During one such test, their plane is shot down by FBI agents, chasing a gangster who’s stolen an experimental jet-pack, built by Howard Hughes.

That’s not where problems start …

The problems start when Secord uses the jet-pack to rescue a friend from a badly malfunctioning plane …


And Kick Ass thought it was being original with those YouTube references …


At any rate … ?

At any rate, The Rocketeer isn’t exactly what one could call an intellectually challenging film, on the meaning of relationship, and their place in the modern world of cutting edge philosophy.


But, by all that’s holy, The Rocketeer is one HELL of a fun, entertaining, Boy’s Own film.

My thinking … ?

The Rocketeer
Keeper ★★★☆

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