
Tuesday 7 June 2011

CeX Work …

Hmmm …

You know, I’ve got to admit, I’m …

Disgruntled …

Possibly more than disgruntled, but lets stick with disgruntled, for now, shall we … ?

Yes …


Do you remember that — a little while back — I was hired to work at the Brentwood branch of CeX … ?

And, after Christmas, had my hours reduced.

And then let go in March.

Hmmm …

I’ve got to admit, that was …

Well …

Annoying, looking back: in the way it was done, I should say.

But, at any rate … ?

At any rate, the job was finished, I started signing on looking for a new job.

Not exactly easy …

Yeah see, in the UK, those of us signing on for what’s called Job-seeker’s Allowance.

Usually … ?

Usually find it goes through fairly quickly.

Once the relevant government department gets your final bits of paperwork from your previous employers.

So far … ?

It all depends on getting that one little tax form that tells the Benefits people — or a new employer — what your tax code is.

The Brentwood branch of CeX … ?

Hasn’t done that, as yet … !


Oh, I’m told by various shades of management that the form in question has — apparently — been sent out, not long after I left, in March.

But I’ve got to make a confession or two, here.

For starters … ?

It’s early June.

That particular form … ?

Usually turns up, within a fortnight …

So waiting around for a form — for THIS long — is not only causing a lot of financial hardship.

But getting ridiculous.

I’m going to make a suggestion, for those people reading this post, in the UK, in my town, and after a job.

Don’t apply at the Brentwood branch of CeX.

It won’t be fun, leaving it.

1 comment:

  1. The sexist, racist, ageist, heightist bastards. I won't be going in there again. It looks like a pawn shop (or perhaps a porn shop). What are you living on? Air? Crisis loans?
    On a less sarcastic note, do you think the P45 might have got lost in transit?
    Can you write to CeX head office and ask them to reissue the P45? Cos if it has got lost you could be waiting forever, whereas surely their system will have a record of your employment and dismissal so I don't see why they can't tell DWP you are a real jobseeker. In the meantime, does this also mean you aren't able to use the jobcentre to look for work?
    My experience of work has also been pretty bad, with bank account numbers getting scrambled and cheques sent to wrong addresses. It seems those who do short-term work are most at risk. Once established in a job it's harder for someone to screw up your pay, though I'm sure they still try.
    Judging by your original blog on CeX I think they made a big mistake in letting you go. There are not enough enthusiastic, knowledgeable shop assistants, but customers prefer that to youth and good looks (as long as by enthusiastic and knowledgeable you aren't patronising and giving the hard sell!).


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