
Tuesday 9 August 2011

Left-handers Day: Coming Soon

Can I make a confession, here … ?

Can I … ?

You see, I’ll happily admit to anyone that meets me — as and when the conversation goes that way — that I’m left-handed.

A southpaw.


Which is possibly one of the more offensive terms for the simple fact that, in many of my day-to-day tasks I tend to prefer to use my left hand.

Writing and using a computer mouse are just two of them.

Oh …

And playing guitar … But that’shardly what I’d everyday, if you see what I mean …

But, at any rate, I’m a south paw.

One that’s written happily — if not as extensively as he’d’ve liked — about the fact.


But while I’m a southpaw who’s love to add more about the subject, I’m ALSO going to happily admit that — I think — there’s not much I, as an individual, can add to the subject, except here and there.

Apart from one thing that I try to highlight, each year.

Did you know that, since 1976, August 13th — this coming Saturday, this year — is International Left-Handers Day?

Now, I’m not too sure about the group that first created or why they chose August 13th.

But … ?

But I do know I try and mention it, a few days before.

And do a couple of posters.

Oh …

AND do a teaser on the day.

And I’ll be honest … ?

I’m thinking southpaw, Leonardo da Vinci, would have NO problem with the upcoming video.

I think I’ve excelled myself with that one …

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