
Thursday 1 September 2011

About that Router … AGAIN

Hmmm …

I’ll be a TOUCH vernacular, if I may … ?

But RIGHT at the moment, I’m a touch annoyed with British Telecom, at the moment.

The Eternal Problem with the Home Hub 2, unfortunately.

To use an old clique … ?

If it’s not one thing, it’s another.

Having seemingly solved — or worked around — the BT Fon problem, a few weeks ago, I’ve NOW got the problem of the actual broadband line, itself, playing up.

I’ve now got the f¶#k∞ng thing next to Bruce, and hooking me up to the ’Net through an old fashioned ethernet cable, rather than the usual WiFi connection.

Mostly because router seems to be losing a signal from the line … !

Understandably … ?

I am MIGHTILY hacked that the signal — from BT’s end — seems to keep being lost, even though I’m up to date with my bills*, and have both a fair end-user’s working knowledge of both his OS of choice, and the USUAL steps I need to take to re-start the router itself.

Pain in the proverbial bum … ?

You betcha … !

All I can hope is that BT offer SOME sort of cashback, considering the amount of sheer frustration this has caused … !

* I try and make sure of that.

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