
Wednesday 21 September 2011

The Daily Teaser — 21-9-2011

Oh, but I’ve got to admit, I’m having a bad morning, frankly.

Because … ?

Well, to be honest, I woke up craving a cigarette.

Yes, yes, I know.

I’ve packed up … !

That’s still doesn’t exactly stop me wanting one!

Or thinking, “I’m cured, one won’t hurt,”.

Dangerous thinking, that, and exactly the sort of thing they warn you about, at AA meetings.

And, BOY

Doesn’t it just leaving me thinking there was something like this, near me … !

Helpful … !


Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?

Before I embarrass meself … !


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Nina and Debbi putting in their answers …

And both bagging 5 out of six: mostly because neither managed to get the answer to Q4: the correct answer was … Spook City* … !

Lets see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, license and video

Q1) 21st September, 1866, saw the birth of author, H. G. Wells, considered one of three fathers of science-fiction: name either of the other two. (One was French, the other American, if that’s a help.)

Q2) More to the point, which of his science fiction novels was published in 1895?

Q3) Equally to the point, which of his novels caused something of a feminist furore, when published in 1909?

Q4) As a final Wells question, which of his novels was turned into a Woody Allen film called Sleeper?

Q5) Moving on, 21st September, 1827, saw who allegedly visited by an angel?

Q6) According to some medical practitioners, 21st September is World what Day … ?

Q7) 21st September, 1955, saw the UK annex which islet?

Q8) And finally … 21st September, 1969, saw police evict squatters in which London street?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 20th September, 2005, saw the death of Simon Wiesenthal: in which 1978 film is there a character modeled on him … ?
A1) The Boys From Brazil.

Q2) What was the name of that character … ?
A2) Ezra Lieberman, played by Laurence Olivier.

Q3) 20th September, 1860, saw the Prince of Wales visit the USA: what was his name, when he ascended the throne of the UK … ?
A3) Edward 7th.

Q4) 20th September, 2000, saw the HQ of MI6 attacked: apparently by the Real IRA. What nickname — according to author, John Le Carré — is given to the building?
A4) Spook City.

Q5) 20th September, 1990, saw where declare its independence from Georgia … ?
A5) South Ossetia.

Q6) And finally … 20th September, 1920, saw the founding of the Spanish Legion: was this intended as the Spanish version of the French Foreign Legion, the S. A. S. or the US Navy Seals?
A6) French Foreign Legion.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …

Once I’ve left you with the tune that’s been banging around my head for the past ten minutes …

* Although, to be frank … ? I’m going to have to check that one out.

1 comment:

  1. 1) Jules Verne, Hugo Gernback
    2) The Time Machine
    3) Ann Veronica
    4) The Sleeper Awakes
    5) Joseph Smith Jr (Angel led him to the Golden Plates => Book of Mormon)
    6) Alzheimer's Day
    7) Rockall (Ok, I'm gonna split hairs: annexed 18th, announced 21st...? :))
    8) Piccadilly


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