
Saturday 29 October 2011

Give an Hour.

Hmmm …

I do that a lot, you know …

Go Hmmm …

But at any rate, I’ll happily admit that what’s got me going Hmmm … — this time — is the one appeal that’s been launch, this year: partly by the BBC.

Who, I should add, having been mentioning it with a lot less frequency than the fact that the clocks go back, tonight.

But, at any rate, that’s seemingly the heart of it.

The idea is quite simple.

The Give an Hour, though, is really quite simple.

Considering the clocks go back one hour, tonight — it’s the end of British Summertime, just so my non UK readers know — the idea is to use that hour, helping someone you know to ‘get online’.

Either from something as simple as setting up an email account, to looking things up on the ’Net.

It’s a nice idea …

But I’ve got to admit, MOST of the reactions I’ve had, when I mentioned it, today… ?

Seem to be on the lines “Hang on, most of the people that want to BE online, already ARE”.

Which is sort of a good thought … !


On top of that … ?

On top of that, I’ll happily admit that I’ve poked my head around the doors of Brentwood Library, today, to see if they were doing anything as part of the campaign.

They weren’t: beyond happily directing people to the website that let’s people volunteer.

Now, that seems a shame.

Given the local library services educational remit … ?

I‘d’ve said that’s an excellent use of time and funds.

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