
Thursday 6 October 2011

RIP: Steve Jobs

Hmmm …

You know, I’ve GOT to admit, the almost constant reportage, today — about the death of Apple Chairman, Steve Jobs — is …

Well, almost constant …

And a touch depressing.

Lets face it, it is — for the iPad and Mac using community — going to be a bit of a shocker.

After all, we’re talking here about not only one of the men that founded the company, but also the marketing man that — when he rejoined the company, back in 1997 — turned around a company on the verge of bankruptcy in to the worlds biggest technology firm.

At least, by market value.


Let’s face it …

There’s not much I can say, except to tell you to check the words out of the man, himself.

Firstly, at the original Macintosh demo, a few (ahem) years ago …

Along with a quick demo of that original machine’s abilities: granted, they’re not much by TODAY’S standards, but in 1984 … ?

Next is the news report about his death, on the BBC, this morning …

Along with a few words from Lord Alan Sugar, and BBC technology reporter, Rory Cellan-Jones

And you can’t mention Apple or Steve Jobs, without mentioning Steve Wozniak, the technology giant whose design of the Apple 1 and 2 were the technological foundations that the two Steves built the giant on.

And lastly … ?

Well …

I think I’ll leave you with a few words from the man, himself.

In Memorium.

Steve Jobs: February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011.

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