
Tuesday 13 December 2011

30 Days of Night: How To Give A Twilight Fan A Headache …. (A Review)

13th December, 2011: 30 Days of Night.

I hate repeating myself, I really do.

Says the man who’s managed to do at least five Teaser question a day for the last three years.

There’s BOUND to be a repeat, there, somewhere.

If there is, I’m just hoping I can gently brush them under the carpet and hope no-one notices them!

At ANY rate … ?

The reason I mention repeats … is that I’ve had the night to myself.

So decided to watch a film I’d already seen: but felt was worth seeing again.

The 2007, David Slade directed, 30 Days of Night, starring Josh Hartnett and Melissa George as its divorced husband and wife heroes, Eben and Stella Olsen.

Who are Sheriff and local Fire Marshall for the small Alaskan town of Barrow, the most northerly town in the US.

One that, for the purposes of the film, sees a month of night in the depths of winter*.

A month of wintery, pitch black nights, when vampires — ones that are VERY unlike the ones you’re used to — decide Barrow is a perfect place to be.


Now …

I’m thinking I won’t go further than that.

I will, however, give you the link for my original write up on 30 Days of Night.

And SERIOUSLY suggest you catch it … !
30 Days of Night

*        From the little I know, the films makers have taken a few liberties, there: but I’ll let you look that up on Wikipedia, yourself …

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