
Saturday 31 December 2011

Planning … AGAIN … !

Oh, BOY … !

THAT’S what the proposed building’s going to look like … ?

I hope not, actually.

As you probably do — or don’t, maybe — know, my street’s fairly new: to the point where the last block of flat’s is going up at the other end of it, as I write.

But I’ve also objected to building work at the other end of Saint James Road, next to the small block of flats, called Brunel House.

On the basis that I’ve always felt that more development — AND the associated parking — will seriously delay any emergency vehicle access to our street.

I still do.

So, as you can imagine, finding out that the developers that owned that patch of land still wanted to build the proposed multi-use block pictured above … ?

Had me writing in to the local council’s planning officer, as you can imagine.

Here’s what I wrote.
Dear Sir,

I’m writing to object to the proposed development next to Brunel House, in Brentwood: your ref 11/01195/FUL.

Some time ago, I — as many residents of the area — objected to some proposed flats on the same ground.

I felt — as I said at the relevant meeting of the planning committee — that the parking associated with the flats would be hazardous to the area, as it would further impede emergency vehicle access to the Saint James Road/Rollason Way/Wharf Road area..

I still believe this to be the case.

I also feel that this proposed development adds more retail and office space to an area that has — just around the corner — at least 4 unused retail lots, AND quite a lot of untenanted office space.

This is in addition to 1, Saint James Road, the three-storey office block, directly opposite the site. A three storey office block that is still untenanted, ever since it was built.


As I said at the start of this email: I’ve objected to further development to the site in the past.

And am still objecting.

Annoyed … ?

Gosh, I hope it sounded like it!

But for those of my neighbours reading this … ?

We have until the 26th January, 2012 to object to these plans. Any emails have to be sent, with mail going to:
Planning Officer,
Planning Services,
Town Hall,
Ingrave Road,
CM15 8AY
Feel free to copy and paste, folks.

Here’s hoping Brentwood Council pay attention!

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