
Tuesday 6 December 2011

Rollason Way: The Developer’s Continue … !

Hmm …

Well THAT’s a thing … !

Just when I’d thought my street — Rollason Way — had been finished … ?

Something new kicks off!

Or old, I should say.

You see, the street I live on has been under construction for some — oooooh — four years or so.

In fact I, and most of the neighbours in my block of flats were some of the first to move in to the street.

We kind of got used — for the first eighteen months or so — to the amount of construction traffic.

But it was something of a relief when a through-road was built at the Hubert Road end of Rollason Way, to allow that traffic through, without actually disturbing people.


Today, though … ?

Well, today, a couple of bits of construction traffic went through from the Saint James Road end of Rollason Way.

A great big flatbed truck, with a consignment of bricks and concrete blocks.

Now, as far as I know… ?

There’s a bylaw or regulation against that.

So I reported it to Brentwood Council’s Planning Department.

Whether they’ll do anything, I don’t know, but there’s hoping they get back to me.

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