
Sunday 8 January 2012

Dr Who Episode 13: The Wedding of River Song

Wow …
I’m …

Oh, to heck with it: I know Grub’s going to complain.
But I am decidedly impressed.

Although with a … reservation … or two, maybe.

Actually, maybe not …


Hmm …

You can’t tell I’m tired, can you … ?

Or burbling …

I’ve an excuse, though: I’ve actually been to both my kid sister, Ruth’s birthday, this afternoon, along with the rest of my family!


Which is sort of why I’m actually finishing this post off, today, rather than last night.

I couldn’t actually stay awake, much longer, I know that much … !

But let’s move on, and talk about last night’s Dr Who, shall we … ?


Series Six finale, The Wedding of River Song, starts 5:02pm on 22nd April, 2011.

In a version of the universe that has been frozen.

In a way that sees Holy Roman Emperor Winston Churchill forcing his Soothsayer — a version of The Doctor that’s he’s imprisoned in the Tower — quizzing the Dr on what’s happened.

And being told that time has been frozen …

By a woman …


Now, Grub, bless him, will probably tell you I’m impressed.

Well, possibly impressed, debatably gobsmacked, and possibly possessed of a side order of awe.

He’d possibly be right … Or wrong … Or something …

On the level of last night’s episode … ?

He does have a point: I thoroughly enjoyed The Wedding of River Song, and found it a satisfying conclusion to a puzzling story-arc.

Saying that … ?

Saying that, I’ve got to admit, I feel disappointed by a few things, this series.

I think the main thing to get off my chest … ?

Is the obvious and simple one.

The the fact that series six came in two halves.

Now, I don’t know about you, but after some 5 years of new Dr Who, I’ve kind of got used to a thirteen week run.

This half and half mix … ? Was something I personally found a touch irritating, even though I’m very aware that it’s probably been done to line up series 8 — or whatever they decide to number it — so that it starts — or finishes, more likely — on Saturday, 23rd November, 2013.

And to get next years series around the VERY large hump that’s the BBC’s coverage of the London 2012 Olympics.

Given the amount of talk about whether next years series is to be a full thirteen episodes … ?

Well …

I’m not sure if the two halves we’ve seen, this year, bode well.


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