
Friday 20 January 2012

Torchwood: Miracle Day Episode 6. The Middle Men

(Originally Posted on Nik Nak and Grub’s Who Peculiar, 18 August 2011 22:25:00)

You know, I’m going to be frank, here.
Or possibly Fred.

Or, at least, honest, at any rate … !

I’ve got a Mac.
Actually, I’ve got two.

As Grub will possibly tell, with a certain amount of world-weariness …

At any rate, both come with remote controls: including the 1996 vintage one I’m currently listening to some vintage Doors on, to give Bruce — my Mid 2007 model Mac Mini — a chance to do some rather hefty video work, without overheating …

Hmmmmmm …

Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?

Before Grub says something sarcastic* …

At any rate … ?

I’ve got Jim and the boys, doing their thing in the background, in a whiskey bar in Alabama, while I’m writing this.

Rather than my USUAL Jean-Michel Jarré.

After having seen …

Well, after having seen episode six of Torchwood: Miracle Day, called The Middle Men.

After a nicely written speech delivered by Ernie Hudson, as PhiCorp Chief Operating Officer Stuart Owensº, explaining to Captain Jack that PhiCorp’s profiting from, without having organised, the Miracle, itself.

All his investigators have turned up …

Is that the Miracle seems to link back to something in the 1990s, called ‘The Blessing’ …

Hmmmm …

Add to that … ?

Add to that, the simple fact that Gwen has — with Rhys’ help — rescued her father from the overflow camp in Wales.

Which, as we found out in last week’s episode … ?

Is as much of a government-sponsored concentration camp as the one that Rex and Esther have sneaked into, in last week’s episode, and that Dr Vera died in.

Only Gwen and Rhys … ?

Have an easier time of getting out than Rex and Esther …


Now, I could be sitting here, telling you how wonderfully wonderful and impressively impressed I though The Middle Men actually was.

Oh, don’t get me wrong, here …

The Middle Men is a competently done episode of Torchwood.

Competent, please notice.

Possibly I may even go as far as Good.

Torchwood: Miracle Day’s best episode … ? No, for my money, that title goes to episode five, so far.

* Of course, by the time I finish this, it could well be too late: he could well have got to Sarcastic, after going through Pithy, Ironic, Derisive … and possibly Trenchant. If I can work out what it means. I’ve got a Loaded Thesaurus, and I’m not Afraid To Use It … He say’s, in a particularly silly voice …

º In a more serious footnote, I think there’s two points I’m going to raise, here … Ernie Hudson is the SPIT of Sweetpea Atkinson, from Was (Not Was). Chap with the hat … ? Yeah, him … ! And I’m ALSO thinking that the Owens character … ? Is one of the NASTIER bits of work in Miracle Day, and that’s given the competition …

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