
Sunday 12 February 2012

Die Hard: Cowboys, terrorist, and Bruce Willis’ Extreme Need For Daz … !

You know, I’ve GOT to admit, I think — in a very minor way — Kevin D agreed with me, last night.

That there was absolutely nowt on TV!

Which, obviously means, as the both of us had a spare evening … ?

Well, obviously catching a movie … !

And the movie in question … ?

Was the complete fun that was …

And when I say fun …


Based on the novel, Nothing Lasts Forever, Die Hard sees Bruce Willis as John McClane: an off-duty New York policeman, on a Christmas Eve trip to see his estranged wife, Helen, in Los Angeles.

Of course, things don’t quite as planned.

Because the office building McClane ends up visiting …

Ends up being the target of a group of (apparent) terrorist, lead by Hans Grüber: played by Alan Rickman: a man whose plans seem to want to lead his team to violently protest assorted things.

But actually are a disguise from something else …


Now, I’ve got to admit, I was happily impressed with Die Hard, although not as much as Kevin: who is DEFINITELY a fan!

Saying that … ?

Saying that, Die Hard is definitely worth watching: and one that has kept it’s looks rather well.

Here …

I’ll leave you with this …

Die Hard
Paul: ★★★☆
Kevin: ★★★★
Average: ★★★½☆

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