
Tuesday 3 April 2012

The Daily Teaser — 03-04-2012

Hmmm … 

Well, that seems to work, I think … 

I’ve got to admit to having switched over to the new Blogger interface, yesterday.

I THINK I’m getting used to it, already.

I think the big difference that got me slightly thrown, yesterday … ?

Is the simple fact that — in their wisdom — Google have change the way photos are uploaded to Blogger, and get arranged.

Always a pain, relearning these things, isn’t it … ?   Still, I THINK I’ll get used to it: and possibly be able to get  slightly creative with it … !

After I show you the slide show of Jude I mentioned, yesterday …


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting her answers: and, along with admitting she liked French accents*, also bagging 6 out of 6º.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we?   Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video
Q1) 3rd April, 2008, saw Texan law enforcement officials cordon off a ranch: one owned by a schismatic branch of which church … ?
Q2) 3rd April, 2000, saw US courts rule who had violated US antitrust laws … ?
Q3) 3rd April, 1987, saw the sale of whose jewelry … ?
Q4) More to the point, which auctioneer’s handled the sale … ?
Q5) 3rd April, 1968, saw Dr Martin Luther King make his last public speech: in which Tennessee city was he, when he made that speech … ?
Q6) 3rd April, 1888, saw prostitute, Emma Smith attacked: that attack and her eventual death, were linked to which notorious criminal … ? 
Q7) And finally … Friday, 3rd April, 33AD, is the generally agreed date for whose death … ?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 2nd April, 2005, saw the death of Pope John Paul 2nd: what name had he been born with … ?        A1) Karol Józef Wojtyła.
Q2) More to the point, he was the first non-Italian pope since which year … ?        A2) 1523.
Q3) 2nd April, 1977, saw Red Rum win the third Grand National of his career: who was his jockey … ?        A3) Tommy Stack.
Q4) 2nd April, 1851, saw Rama 4th crowned as King of where … ?        A4) Thailand.   (Bad Joke Alert: “Majesty, are you truly the King of Thailand … ?”   “Yes: Siam … ”.   I did warn you … )
Q5) 2nd April, 1912, saw which ship begin sea trials … ?        A5) The RMS Titanic.   (The ship did fine with these: although I think the crew could have maybe done more iceberg spotting training.   The Health and Safety Executive gets worse.)
Q6) And finally … 2nd April, 1914, saw the birth of Sir Alec Guinness: in which film did he play Colonel Nicholson … ?        A6) The Bridge on the River Kwai.

Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll leave you with a few words from Doris Day.

*     Remind me to post up Chanson D’amour at some point, then, Debbi: I think that might just appeal.   That’s if you don’t mind English people trying to fake it … ?

º     And got me double checking my answers: would you believe I had 1532 down, Debbi … ?

1 comment:

  1. I think she could fake a French accent better than I could fake a British one. :)

    There are actors that I would swear are American, and when I find out they're British or Australian or whatever, it astounds me. Great acting ability is a real gift.

    1. Seventh Day Adventists
    2. Microsoft
    3. Elizabeth Taylor
    4. Christie's
    5. Memphis
    6. Jack the Ripper
    7. Jesus


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