
Sunday 29 April 2012

The Daily Teaser — 29-4-2012

Hmmm … 

Remember, yesterday, I told you I was heading out to put some leaflets through door … ?

That I did, alright: turns out I was quickest off the block, as well!

And, yes, I got wet: distinctly wet, I should add.

Extremely wet, in fact … !

Of course, saying that … ?   As I look out of my window, now, I have to tell you that it’s STILL raining.

And my part of the UK … ?

Is still under a hosepipe ban.

Wonders will never start … !

Lets move on, shall we?


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Mr Strictly and Debbi putting in their answers: with Mr S admitting he’s a Terry Pratchett fan* and Debbi being very impressed with the clip from Hogfather, about Death’s view on beliefº, it saw Mr S bagging 6 out of 7ª, and Debbi bagging 7.

Let’s see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we?   Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 29th April, 711 AD, was the start of the Moorish invasion of the Iberian Peninsula: what did the Moors call that peninsula … ?
Q2) 29th April, 1770, saw Captain James Cook discover — and name — Botany Bay, in Australia.   What was his rank at the time … ?
Q3) More to the point, what was the original name of his ship, the HMB Endeavor … ?
Q4) 29th April, 1968, saw which musical open on Broadway … ?
Q5) 10 years earlier, 29th April, 1958, saw which musical open in the West End … ?
Q6) And finally … 29th April, 1952, saw the birth of writer and conspiracy theorist, David Icke: which year’s Olympic’s did he help present, whilst still working for the BBC … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 28th April, 1948, saw the birth of Terry Pratchett: which of his regular character’s has appeared in all of his adult novels, bar the most recent … ?   
A1) Death.
Q2) More to the point, what IS his most recent novel … ?   
A2) Snuff.
Q3) Equally to the point … What was the name of his first published book … ?   
A3) The Carpet People: originally published in 1971, then reworked and republished in 1992.
Q4) While we’re on literature, 28th April, 1926, saw the birth of US novelist, Harper Lee: in which US state is her novel, To Kill A Mocking Bird, set … ?   
A4) Alabama.
Q5) 28th April, 1192, saw the assassination of Conrad 1, King of Jerusalem: by members of which group … ?   
A5) The Hashshashim.   (Noted for simultaneously being ruthless killers, and incredibly mellow … )
Q6) 28th April, 1920, saw Azerbaijan added to the Soviet Union: what’s Azerbaijan’s capital city … ?   
A6) Baku.
Q7) And finally … 28th April, 2001, saw the world’s first space tourist go into space: what was his name … ?   
A7) Dennis Tito.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’m going to get jazzy at you, again, as it’s Duke Ellington’s† birthday … 

*        Good for you, Mr S … !

º        Debbi, what can I tell you … ? :D

ª        Oh, looks like The Long Earth and Dodger aren’t out ’til June … !

†        Had he lived, he’d be 113.   That’s surely got to be lung-power … 

1 comment:

  1. I love Duke Ellington. He was from DC, you know. Take the A-Train is awesome. :)

    The conference was great, BTW. I blogged about it some.

    1. Iberia
    2. lieutenant
    3. Earl of Pembroke
    4. Hair
    5. My Fair Lady
    6. 1988


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