
Thursday 18 July 2013

The Daily Teaser — 18-7-2013: The Royal College of Arms … 

What the hell … ?

I read somewhere — quite some time ago — that many dreams — and creative ideas, in fact — tend to occur on the cusp of deep sleep and light sleep: and light sleep and waking up.

I know I’ve had quite a few interestingly sweaty dreams that have been interrupted by waking up.

Right at the good bit, too!

This morning, though … ?   That mental border zone saw a phrase floating through my head.

‘Revolutionary Just Got Better’.

Revolutionary Just Got Better’.

Lord knows what THAT’S all about, but it sounds like an ad-man’s wet dream, doesn’t it … ?   Here’s hoping whoever’s writing adverts for the next iMac and/or iOS is reading this: they’d very welcome to use it.   After all, that’s what the Creative Commons license is for.


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting in her answers: along with telling us Lefties Rule*, she also bagged four out five.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 18th July, 1555, saw the Royal College of Arms reincorporated: by which English Queen … ?
Q2) The study, creation, granting and blazoning of those arms is known by what name … ?
Q3) The main part of a coat of arms is the escutcheon, which is also known as what: the shield, helmet or background … ?
Q4) If you’re a lady with a coat of arms, what shape IS your escutcheon … ?
Q5) If you’re entitled to a Coat of Arms, you are said to be … what … ?
Q6) Finally … what’s the term for the Japanese equivalent to a coat of arms … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 17th July, 1899, saw the founding of the NEC Corporation.   What does NEC stand for … ?
A1) The Nippon Electric Company: it now stands for nothing, as the company rebranded itself as ‘NEC’ in 1983.
Q2) 17th July, 1917, saw George 5th change the royal family’s surname … to what … ?
A2) Windsor.
Q3) 17th July, 2009, saw two hotels bombed in Jakarta: in which country is Jakarta … ?
A3) Indonesia.
Q4) 17th July, 1952, saw the birth of actor and singer, David Hasselhoff.   In which series did he play Mitch Buchanan … ?
A4) Baywatch: and its various spin-offs.
Q5) Finally … 17th July, 1979, saw rebels capture the capital city of Nicaragua: what’s that capital called … ?
A5) Managua.
Enjoy those: I’ll leave you with this piece from Thomas Gray …
“The boast of heraldry,
the pomp of pow’r,

And all that beauty,
all that wealth e’er gave
Awaits alike the inevitable hour:

The paths of glory lead but to the grave”
Thomas Gray.
And with Coat Of Arms, by Swedish Heavy Metal band, Sabaton … 

Have a good day … 

*        Actually, that’s truer than you think, Debbi†: Prince William’s left handed.   In a few years time, he, literally will be ruling.   So’s President Obama, come to think about it.   And David Cameron: which is possibly the ONLY time I’d mention a Conservative PM.

†        By the way, Debbi: I’ve just had a look at the Special Dedications page: Thanks … ! :D


  1. My pleasure, Paul! :)

    1. Queen Mary I
    2. heraldry
    3. shield
    4. circular
    5. a descendant of the family or house that bears that coat of arms
    6. kamon

    I hope those are right. :)

  2. Pink Fluff (trying not to cheat, having seen the answers) Heraldry is an important subject.Sat Jul 20, 07:26:00 am BST

    1. Mary I
    2. heraldry
    3. shield
    4. lozenge
    5. a knight
    6. A kimono of arms ;)

  3. Pink Fluffy MedievalistSat Jul 20, 07:33:00 am BST

    PS There was absolutely no cheating about the lozenge; it's something we medievalists know*. I didn't correctly answer anything I don't know.

    * It's also good for sore throats.


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