
Tuesday 30 July 2013

The Daily Teaser — 30-7-2013

Oh, now I love a good documentary.

You’ve worked that out, already: I must have mentioned lord knows how many time.

At ANY rate, I’ve iPlayered — yes, dotted red line, I’ve just made that word up — I’ve iPlayered a documentary I missed last night.

Mary Beard, bless her, doing her Roman Antiquarian bit.

About the one Roman Emperor who needs the help.

Caligula … !

She’s just made the very good point that rulers generally find it handy to have the support of the army: something Egyptian rulers do with remembering.   Oh … and that many Roman statues had replaceable heads: which tells you why these’s so many busts in Rome.

Hmmm … 

Let’s move on, shall we?   While Mary tell’s us a story … 


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: after leaving us a comment about Vogon poetry — possibly the third worst in the universe — she also bagged four out of five.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we?   Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License ands video … 

Q1) 30th July, 1963, saw the birth of actress, Lisa Kudrow.   Which character did she play, in Friends … ?
Q2) 30th July, 1975, saw the disappearance of notorious union leader, Jimmy Hoffa.   In which year was he officially declared dead … ?
Q3) 30th July, 1859, saw the first ascent of Grand Combin.   In which mountain range is Grand Combin … ?
Q4) 30th July, 1991, saw Luciano Pavarotti give a free concert: in which London park … ?
Q5) Finally … 30th July, 762AD, saw the founding of the city of Baghdad: in which country is Baghdad … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 29th July, saw the launch of the BBC Light Programme: in which year … ?
A1) 1945.
Q2) The Light Programme is now known as which Radio Station … ?
A2) BBC Radio 2.
Q3) Which Dr Who actor famously appeared in Light Programme comedy, The Navy Lark … ?
A3) Jon Pertwee.   (Ironically, one of the characters he played was called ‘The Master’.)
Q4) The world’s longest running soap-opera — in any format — has its national origins on the BBC Light Programme.   What’s that soap opera’s name … ?
A4) The Archers.
Q5) Finally … the Light Programme ceased broadcasting in September of which year … ?
A5) 1967.
Enjoy those.

I’ll leave you with this thought from Sir Clive Sinclair …
“It was very odd when I did become famous – especially when I got knighted. I found it very embarrassing, really.”
Sir Clive Sinclair, born 30 July 1940
And with this tune from birthday girl, Kate Bush … 

And as I’ve given Caligula a mention … ?   THIS scene from I, Claudius … 

Have a good day.

*        Which is a point, Debbi: I think I’ve managed to dig up this scene from YouTube: it’s the original radio version of the Vogon Poetry scene.   (No dead swans were harmed in the making of this broadcast … )

1 comment:

  1. Well, lots to check out here! :) Thanks!

    1. Phoebe Buffay
    2. 1982
    3. the western Pennine Alps
    4. Hyde Park
    5. Iraq

    Kate Bush was a favorite of someone I knew at the Social Security Administration offices. :)


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