
Saturday 6 July 2013

The Daily Teaser — 6-7-2013: Do The Richard 3rd

Oh, thank heavens for that.

I’ve actually had a reasonable nights sleep!

I have to admit, this part of the UK has been comparatively toasty, just recently.

Which means — especially if you’re built like me — trying to get to sleep isn’t easy.

Thankfully, making sure the bedroom window’s open is easy enough.

Now … persuading the neighbours to be quiet when I’m trying to get to sleep … 

Hmm … 

Let’s get a move on, shall we?


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: along with wondering if I was ok, she also managed to bag nine out of ten.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video† … 

Q1) 6th July, 1483, saw the coronation of Richard 3rd.   His body has been found, recently, buried under a car park in which city … ?
Q2) In which year did Richard 3rd die … ?
Q3) Richard 3rd died in the Battler Of Bosworth Field, the last battle of the War of the … what … ?
Q4) Which royal House was Richard 3rd a member of: York or Lancaster … ?
Q5) More to the point, what dynasty: Stewart, Tudor or Plantagenet … ?
Q6) What title — before his coronation — did Richard 3rd share with Oliver Cromwell: Regent, Lord Protector or Duke of Gloucester … ?
Q7) Finally … In which city’s Cathedral are his remains to be — provisionally — interred … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 5th July, 1996, saw the birth of the first cloned mammal: what was that animal’s name … ?
A1) Dolly.
Q2) What species of mammal was she … ?
A2) A sheep.
Q3) The Roslin Institute — where she was created — is in which country of the UK: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland of Wales … ?
A3) Scotland: Midlothian, is you’re after the county.
Q4) Our heroine was named after which singer … ?
A4) Dolly Parton.   (Don’t ask: you’ll only end up with a very jaundiced view of scientists … )
Q5) How many mothers did she have … ?
A5) Three: one provided the egg, another the DNA, whilst the third carried her.
Q6) Moving on — slightly — the word ‘Clone’ comes from which ancient language: Latin, Greek or Arabic … ?
A6) Ancient Greek.
Q7) More to the point, what does the ancient word mean: bough, stick or twig … ?
A7) Twig.
Q8) Which Star Wars episode has the word ‘Clones’ in its title … ?
A8) Attack of the Clones.
Q9) Moving on, again … what was the name of the first cloned cat … ?
A9) CopyCat/CarbonCopy, or ‘CC’, as she became known.
Q10) Finally … which Aldous Huxley novel features lots of clones … ?
A10) Brave New World.
I’ll leave you with these lines from Richard 3rd …
“I have seen the letters you have sent me by Buckingham herald, whereby I understand that you want my friendship in good form and manner, which contents me well enough; for I have no intention of breaking such truces as have previously been concluded between the late King of most noble memory, my brother, and you for as long as they still have to run.”From a letter from Richard 3rd to Louis 11th of France.
And with the song, Richard 3rd, by Supergrass.   (It’s got nothing to do with him: seemingly, though, the band used names as working titles for their songs: this was the third one they called Richard …  )

Enjoy your day.

*        Yes, I’m fine, Debbi, sorry, I had a rather bad night’s sleep … !   That, and someone on the news mention her, yesterday, which got my Friday off to a bad start … !

†        That links to the Not The Nine O’Clock News classic, Nice Video, Shame About The Song.   Well … I liked it … 


  1. No problem, Paul! I know the feeling all too well. :)

    1. Leicester
    2. 1485
    3. Roses
    4. York
    5. Plantagenet
    6. Lord Protector
    7. Leicester

    I sure wish I had a TARDIS right now, so I could deliver my books to you and Trevor personally.

    Thank you, so much!

  2. Richard III's friend, fan and followerSun Jul 14, 12:56:00 am BST

    Leicester (social services car park on site of former Greyfriars (Franciscans) monastery)
    22 Aug 1485
    Cousins' War
    York, duh! (White rose)
    "Lord protect us from Protectors" ( Cromwell in )
    Leicester, last I heard.,_Leicester

    Can I have some proper questions please? (harder WOTR questions)


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