
Tuesday 9 July 2013

The Daily Teaser — 9-7-2013: Wimbledon

You know, that’s sounds … 

Well, I don’t know quite what it sounds like: but ‘Good’ isn’t one of the words I’d use.

I don’t know if you knew it, but the UK has two sorts of Post Offices.   The main branches are called Crown Post Offices and are run directly by the Royal Mail.

The problem I’m talking about is with the sub-post offices, the smaller≤ franchised≤ branches that you’d find at the back of small local shops.

Seems quite a few owners of those sub-post offices has ended up either seriously out of pocket — at them minimum — or jailed, after bugs in the software lead to shortfalls.

I can’t help but think this could be … well … could be a bit of a scandal in the making … !

Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, let’s … 


Yesterday’s Teaser* saw no-one putting in their answers.

So let’s see how we can persuade to try today’s themed questions: here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 9th July saw the first championships played at Wimbledon: in which year of the 1870s … ?
Q2) The championship is — famously — still played at Wimbledon: what’s the name of the club it’s played at … ?
Q3) What’s the post code for the club … ?
Q4) Wimbledon is one of four international Grand Slam tournaments in its sport: name one of the other three … 
Q5) Who won that first Men’s Singles Championship … ?
Q6) Andy Murray won this year’s Men’s Single’s title: who was the last British player to do so … ?
Q7) In which year was the current Centre Court opened … ?
Q8) Finally … exactly what sport are we talking about, here … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 8th July, 1998 saw the birth of actor, Jaden Smith: in which 2013 film does he appear with his father, actor/rapper, Will Smith … ?
A1) After Earth.
Q2) 8th July, 2011, saw the last ever Space Shuttle mission: by which shuttle … ?
A2) Atlantis.
Q3) 8th July, 1579, saw the Our Lady of Kazan icon discovered: in Kazan, obviously.   In which modern Russian republic is Kazan … ?
A3) Tatarstan.
Q4) 8th July, 1889, saw the publication of the first edition of The Wall Street Journal: in which US city is Wall Street … ?
A4) New York.
Q5) And finally … 8th July, 1947, saw radio news broadcasts claim what had crashed in Roswell, New Mexico … ?
A5) A UFO.
I’ll leave you with this thought from a certain well known player …
“I have these two sayings, ‘Champions adjust’ and ‘Pressure is a privilege’. Tennis teaches you about those things. When you’re playing a tennis match, you can’t say, ‘Stop, I want to do another take’, or ‘Can I play that over?’ That’s the way sports are.”
Billy Jean King.
And with this song … 

Have a good day … !

*        Everything ok out there, Debbi … ?

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Just enjoying some offline time, while my computer is being debugged. So, I won't be around for a bit, but I'm fine.

    Thought I'd do the teaser while I was online checking Facebook. Wait'll you see what I got for my birthday! :) It's awesome!!! :D

    1. 1877
    2. the All England Club
    3. SW19
    4. the Australian Open, the French Open and the US Open
    5. Spencer Gore
    6. Fred Perry
    7. 1922
    8. tennis

    Be seeing you! :)


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