
Sunday 25 August 2013

Boy Wonder: Wonderful Stuff … !

24th August, 2013.
You know, it’s getting late.

Or, at least, it’s getting comparatively late: for me.

I’m tempted to hit the proverbial sack.

Although what the sack’s done to deserve it, I really don’t know.

At ANY rate … ?

At any rater, I wanted to at least get started, writing about he movie I’ve just seen: the Michael Morrissey written and directed, 2010 movie, that is Boy Wonder.

And yes: I THINK the post deserves the title … !

Back in the morning … !

25th August, 2013.
Wowsa … It’s the morning …

Rather than the afternoon.

But, at any rate … ?

At ANY rate, I’m back on the case, and ready to tell you about the film I saw, last night: the 2010, Michael Morrissey piece, that is Boy Wonder.

And have to confess, it’s quite something.

Set in New York, Boy Wonder sees Caleb Steinmeyer as Sean: a young man who’s been traumatised by his parents — father, Terry, played by Bill Sage and mother, Mary, played by Tracy Middendorf — tempestuous relationship.

AND the death of his mother, in front of his very eyes, in an (apparent) attempted car-jacking.

Many years later we find him obsessed by the event: compulsively going through police mugshot books that he’s been given access too by a kindly detective.

And forming a friendship with Detective Teresa Ames (Zulay Heneo): an up and coming police detective who’s starting to have her suspicions about a vigilante killer that’s working her beat.

Who seems to be able to speak fluent Chinese …


Now, I have to admit, I loved Boy Wonder, I really did.

Its cast of relative unknowns pop in very competent performances: performances that went beautifully well with great writing, subtly drawn characters and believable situations.

And a plot that looked at the basic idea of Batman — a child hideously traumatised by crime and choosing to do something about it — and gives it the real world treatment

Rationalising that any such not be a upstanding hero with a quirk and a kevlar fetish.

But a seriously damaged individual: damaged, with a steroid addiction to supplement the kick-boxing classes …

And a gun …

The fact that all of this was being rented out on iTunes for 99p … ?

Makes Boy Wonder the most reasonably priced — and best quality — rental I’ve spent money on.

It also means I have to ask Hollywood one thing.

Why is it spending huge amounts on some films: when it can knock out quality like this at a far more reasonable price?
Boy Wonder

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