
Saturday 10 August 2013

The Daily Teaser — 10-8-2013: The Ethiopian Empire

Blimey … 

What on EARTH is going on in Belfast … ?

I’ve got to say, I’ve half an eyeball on the BBC’s news channel and site. 

And, of course, they’ve been reporting on the fact that this years marching season has triggered a lot of protest, from both Nationalist and Republican sides of the community.

What bothers me … ?   Well, is the simple fact that, up until about, what, two or three years ago, I’d’ve said that Northern Ireland seemed relatively peaceful.

Hmmm … 

We’ll have to see what happens, I think: but it’s not looking impressive … 


With Debbi on holiday, yesterday’s Teaser was another quiet one.

So let’s see who we can interest in today’s themed questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the ‘How to’, License and video … 

Q1) 10th August, 1270, saw Yekuno Amlak assume the Imperial Throne of Ethiopia.   Which Biblical king did the Ethiopian emperors claim to be descended from … ?
Q2) More to the point, they also claimed descent from which (possibly) mythical queen … ?
Q3) Who — until being deposed in 1974 — was the last emperor of Ethiopia … ?
Q4) What’s the name of the Jewish community native to Ethiopia … ?
Q5) The heraldic lion on the (Imperial) Ethiopian flag represented which ancient Jewish tribe … ?
Q6) Finally … Ethiopian Emperors were (mostly) members of the   Ethiopian Orthodox Church: which biblical object does the church claim to be the guardian of … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 9th August, 1902, saw the coronation of Edward 7th: who was his predecessor on the British throne … ?
A1) Queen Victoria.
Q2) 9th August, 1594, saw the birth of noted angler, Izaak Walton.   What was the name of the book that made him famous … ?
A2) The Compleat Angler.
Q3) 9th August, 1483, saw the opening of the Sistine Chapel: who painted the ceiling … ?
A3) Michelangelo.
Q4) 9th August, 1942, saw the arrest of which Civil Rights leader … ?
A4) Mohandas K. Gandhi.
Q5) Finally … 9th August is the UN’s International Day of the World's Indigenous People: first announced in December of which year … ?
A5) 1994.
Enjoy those.

I’ll leave you with the motto of Yekuno Amlak’s dynasty …
“Ethiopia stretches her hands unto God”
Ethiopia’s Imperial motto.
And this song: the original version of Marley’s song has a Jamaican English translation of Haile Selassie’s speech: this version uses the original speech … 

Have a good day … 

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