
Tuesday 13 August 2013

The Daily Teaser — 13-8-2013: International Left-Handers Day

Hmmm … 

You know, I’m thinking it’s starting to go downhill.

Before you start assuming the worst … ?

I’m actually talking about the weather … !

July … ?   July was nice: which is possibly understating things.

It was nice to the point of boiling eggs on the pavement.   And now, in August … ?   In August, it’s nice … but freezing in comparison … !

Oy vey … !

At ANY rate … ?

At any rate, let’s get a shift on … before I turn into John Kettley … !


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Oliver* — the Opinion Dalek, himself — putting in his answers: and begging six out of six.

Let’s see if we can persuade him — and you — to have a try at today’s Left-hander’s Day† quiz, shall we?

Here’as the questions, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) True or false: Billy the Kid was left-handed.
Q2) Which member of the Beatles plays a left-handed guitar … ?
Q3) Prince William is left-handed: what’s his title … ?
Q4) What — in Heraldry — is the meaning of the Baton Sinister, or Left Handed Bend … ?
Q5) Britain’s current Prime Minister is left-handed: what’s his name … ?
Q6) Brian Cowan and Bertie Ahearn are both left handed politicians: which country have they both been Prime Minister of … ?
Q7) Which member of Black Sabbath is — noticeably — left handed … ?
Q8) Which Ghostbusters cast member — and leftie — also, notably, plays harmonica … ?
Q9) Which left-handed, Manchester United player is the former captain of Arsenal … ?
Q10) Finally … which left-handed actor appeared in The Matrix, Apocalypse, Now and What’s Love Got To Do With It … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 12th August saw the death of Ian Fleming, creator of James Bond.   What was the name of the first James Bond novel … ?
A1) Casino Royale.
Q2) Bond is — famously — a member of Britain’s Secret Service: which is also known as what … ?
A2) MI6.   Also known as as SIS, or the Secret Intelligence Service.
Q3) Fleming, himself, on the other hand, served with which intelligence operation, during World War 2 … ?
A3) The Naval Intelligence Division.
Q4) What was the name of Fleming’s one children’s novel … ?
A4) Chitty Chitty Bang Ban.
Q5) Fleming’s Jamaican home has a James Bond movie named after it.   Which James Bond movie … ?
A5) Goldeneye.
Q6) And finally … What was the last James Bond novel to be published during Fleming’s lifetime … ?
A6) You Only Live Twice.
I’ll leave you with this thought from Tom Holt …
“Nobody took any notice. Even Jan Christian Duysberg had guessed that one back in the 1740's, and he had been thirty-four years old before he realised he was left-handed.”
from ‘Flying Dutch’, by Tom Holt
And with Crosscut Saw by notably left-handed bluesman, Albert King.

I’ll tell my fellow left-handers to enjoy the day.

And my right handed readers … ?   To hit their right hands with a ruler.

Just to get an idea … :D

*        Cheers for joining in, Oliver: and thank you … ! :D

†        I’m left handed, myself: and, while I’ve had the experiences other have, do feel it’s important to highlight it.   After all, I grew up with my primary school teachers — to a man and woman — saying “Wouldn’t you find it easily doing it with your other hand … ?”, and leaving me very confused‡.

‡        I’ve also got distinct memories of Mrs Hall, my main primary school teacher, telling us kids that “Hold up your right hand: your right hand’s the hand you write with.”   And throwing some worried expressions in the direction of me and one or two other kids … 

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