
Friday 16 August 2013

The Daily Teaser — 16-8-2013: Thank God It’s Friday … !

Oh, hang on … !

I have to admit, I’ve got last night’s episode of Star Trek: Enterprise on.

It’s all very exciting stuff.

The crew are chasing down a bunch of Osarian pirates who’ve nicked quite a lot of the ship’s fuel and supplies.

As it turns out … ?   The pirates ALSO know a few bits about the Xindi: this season’s dastardly enemy, who’ve been dastardly doing dastardly stuff for at least a fortnight.

And managed to get Captain Archer really cross … !

Like I say, it’s ALL very exciting … 


Yesterday’s Teaser was another quiet one.

So let’s see who we can persuade to try today’s Friday themed questions, shall we?   Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 16th August, 2013, is a Friday: in which year was 16th August last a Friday … ?
Q2) Devout Roman Catholics are supposed to abstain from eating what, on a Friday … ?
Q3) In some part’s of the UK, Friday is referred to as POETS Day.   With ‘POETS’ standing for any number of variations of which phrase … ?
Q4) Good Friday is the day before which Christian festival … ?
Q5) And finally … In which Daniel Dafoe story would you find a character called Friday … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 15th August, 2013, is — as you’ve noticed — a Thursday: named for Thor, the Norse god of which weather phenomena … ?
A1) Thunder.   Well … thunder, lightning and storms.
Q2) More to the point, which tool did he wield … ?
A2) A hammer.
Q3) Which Hitch-hiker’s Guide to The Galaxy character famously says “I never could get the hang of Thursdays” … ?
A3) Arthur Dent.
Q4) Since 1935, the UK has held what on a Thursday … ?
A4) General Elections.   (Usually, local elections are held on the first Thursday in May.)
Q5) Finally … Ancient Romans considered Thursday sacred to which god … ?
A5) Jupiter.
I’ll leave you with this thought from Lindsey Lohan …
“I’m not that girl from Freaky Friday any more! I’m a real adult. In fact, I hate children! I hate them all!”Lindsey Lohan.
And this tune from The Cure … 

Enjoy your day … !

1 comment:

  1. Hi Paul! I'm back and getting back into the groove, so to speak. I'll be doing some unusual things on FB, so hang onto your hat, okay? :)

    1. 2004
    2. meat
    3. Piss Off Early Tomorrow's Saturday
    4. Easter
    5. Robinson Crusoe


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