
Saturday 17 August 2013

The Daily Teaser — 17-8-2013

Earworms, earworms, earworms and earworms … 

JUST in case you’re wondering … ?   That’s a relatively new word that describes a song that — for no particular reason — starts playing itself in your head.

Right at the mo … ?   I’ve got the sheer genius Tori Amos song, Cornflake Girl banging away in my head.

Which is either very good, or very bad.

It’s certainly bad — ish — timing.

Especially as I’m listening to last nights edition of Summer Nights, all about addiction, right now.

Fascinating stuff, I should add.   But overlaid with a tinkly piano solo … And Tori wondering where the keys are.

Oy vey … !


Moving on … 

Yesterday’s Teaser saw a much welcomed, returned Debbi* putting her answers in: along with letting us know she’s ALSO back on FB, and advising hanging on to hats, ALSO bagged four out of five.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with the todays questions, shall we?

Here there are, along with the ‘How To’, License and  … video … 

Q1) 17th August, 1907, saw the opening of noted tourist site, Pike Place Market, in Seattle.   In which state is Seattle … ?
Q2) 17th August, 1969, saw Hurricane Camille hit the US Gulf Coast: was it a Category 5, 6 or 7 storm … ?
Q3) 17th August, 1601 — or 1607 — saw the birth of mathematician, Pierre de Fermat.   His famous Last Theorem was a variation on what: e=mc squared, Pythagoras’ Theorem or Euler’s formula for polyhedra … ?
Q4) 17th August, 1786, saw the birth of frontiersman, Davy Crockett: in which battle did he die … ?
Q5) Finally … 17th August, 1977, saw the Soviet icebreaker, Arktika, reach where … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 16th August, 2013, is a Friday: in which year was 16th August last a Friday … ?
A1) 2002.
Q2) Devout Roman Catholics are supposed to abstain from eating what, on a Friday … ?
A2) Meat.
Q3) In some part’s of the UK, Friday is referred to as POETS Day.   With ‘POETS’ standing for any number of variations of which phrase … ?
A3) Piss/Punch/Push Off Early, Tomorrow’s Saturday.   (New one on me … !)
Q4) Good Friday is the day before which Christian festival … ?
A4) Easter.
Q5) And finally … In which Daniel Dafoe story would you find a character called Friday … ?
A5) Robinson Crusoe.
I’ll leave you with this thought from the late Davy Crockett …
“I will never come and go, and fetch and carry, at the whistle of the great man in the white house, no matter who he is.”
Davy Crockett, August 17, 1786 – March 6, 1836
And — as it’s Dexy’s frontman, Kevin Rowland’s, birthday — with this tune.

Have a good day.

*        I’ll keep my eyes peeled, then Debbi: welcome back, by the way.   How was the time off … ?   :D

1 comment:

  1. It was great, Paul! BTW, I'm doing a FB reboot, in case you didn't see that. So please friend me, okay? And tell Karen Chilvers sorry, but I'm doing this to try to fix my FB problems.


    1. Washington
    2. 5
    3. Pythagoras' Theorem
    4. the Battle of the Alamo
    5. the North Pole

    BTW, I never did find your Pinterest account. I've found Trevor's, but not yours. He's got some really cool stuff on there.


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