
Friday 9 August 2013

The Daily Teaser — 9-8-2013

Argh … !

No, seriously, Argh … !

I HATE sleeping through my alarm, I REALLY do … !

OK, granted, it’s only by an hour: but even so, NOT something I like doing.

Hmmm … 

Let’s get a move on: I’m feeling rushed … 


Yesterday’s Teaser saw no-one putting in their answers.

So let’s see who we can interest in today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 9th August, 1902, saw the coronation of Edward 7th: who was his predecessor on the British throne … ?
Q2) 9th August, 1594, saw the birth of noted angler, Izaak Walton.   What was the name of the book that made him famous … ?
Q3) 9th August, 1483, saw the opening of the Sistine Chapel: who painted the ceiling … ?
Q4) 9th August, 1942, saw the arrest of which Civil Rights leader … ?
Q5) Finally … 9th August is the UN’s International Day of the World's Indigenous People: first announced in December of which year … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 8th August is Father’s Day: in which Far Eastern island nation … ?
A1) Taiwan.
Q2) It’s also Farmer’s Day: in which African nation: Tanzania, Togo or Tunisia … ?
A2) Tanzania.
Q3) 8th August, 1988, saw the birth of The Duke and Duchess of York’s eldest child: what’s that child’s name … ?
A3) Princess Beatrice Elizabeth Mary.
Q4) 8th August, 1969, saw Iain MacMillan take the photo that became the cover of which Beatles LP … ?
A4) Abbey Road.
Q5) Finally … 8th August, 1908, saw Wilbur Wright make the first public flight of an air plane: at a racecourse in which French city … ?
A5) Le Mans.
Enjoy those: I’ll leave you with this thought from actress, Gillian Anderson …
“By moving to London I removed myself from the madness of the entertainment industry. I love the city and the culture, and it was an opportunity to bring my children up in a more sane environment.” 
Gillian Anderson, born August 9, 1968
And with this tune … 

Enjoy your day … 

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