
Wednesday 11 September 2013

The Brentwood Gazette Weekly Teaser — 11-9-2013: The Day The World Changed

OK, OK … 

We KNOW Prince Charles and the boys — and Camilla — are at Saint Thomas’ for a funeral.

All well and good.

But can everyone shut up about it, please … ?

My inbox is starting to get overloaded about it … !

Saying that … ?   Saying that, I really have to say thank you to Neville, the Gazette’s editor.

Not only has he and the team printed another of my letters, but ALSO allowed me to reproduce the full text, online.

At any rate, today is Wednesday: which means it’s time for the Brentwood Gazette’s Weekly Teaser.

Here’s this week’s questions, along with the usual Creative Commons License* …
Q1) September 11th saw the notorious attacks on the World Trade Centre; in which US City was the World Trade Centre … ?
Q2) In which district of that city were the Twin Towers?
Q3) What was the name of the terrorist group that organized the attack?
Q4) How many hijackers were involved in the attack?
Q5) Excluding the actual hijackers, how many people died as a result of the World Trade Centre Attacks?
Q6) Who was British Prime Minister on the day … ?
Q7) Who was US president at the time of the attacks?
Q8) A third plane, hijacked by the same group of terrorists, was aimed at which US military building?
Q9) What does al-Qaeda mean, in English?
Q10) Finally, in which country was al-Qaeda’s leader, Osama bin Laden, when finally killed by US special forces … ?

Here’s last week’s questions and answers …
Q1) 4th September, 1888, saw George Eastman patent his camera.   That camera used what sort of film: Roll or Cartridge … ?
Q2) He also registered the name Kodak.   But what was the name of the company he founded, that used the name, Kodak … ?
Q3) In which year did the company introduce their famous Box Brownie camera: 1899, 1900 or 1901 … ?
Q4) More to the point, it was advertised with the phrase ‘You Push The Button,We’ll Do’ … what …?
Q5) George Eastman’s old house — in Rochester, New York — is now a what: restaurant, museum or pub … ?
Q6) The company’s had a rough time of it in recent years.  In 2004, it announced it would stop making what, in the US, Canada and Western Europe … ?
Q7) Many of its troubles have been blamed on the rise of what: camera phones, computers or digital photography … ?
Q8) Which Beatles wife — and photographer — was rumoured, for many years, to be a relative of George Eastman … ?
Q9) What’s the name of the play — and film — that provided inspiration for ‘Cabaret’ … ?
Q10) Finally — and very geekily — who had a 1973 US hit with ‘Kodachrome’ … ?
A1) Roll film.
A2) The Eastman Kodak Company.
A3) 1900.
A4) ‘The Rest’.
A5) Museum: of photography, obviously.
A6) The (non-disposable) stills camera.
A7) Digital photography: despite the fact Kodak invented may of the core technologies.
A8) Linda McCartney.
A9) ‘I Am A Camera’.   (It’s a line from the first page of Christopher Isherwood’s ‘Goodbye to Berlin’.)
A10) Paul Simon.
Enjoy those: I’ll catch you later.

*        Regulars will know already: but for newcomers … all it means is that you’re free to copy, use, alter and build on each of my quizzes: including the Teasers, Gazette Teasers and the Friday Question Sets.   All I ask in return is that you give me an original authors credit on your event’s flyers or posters, or on the night: and, if you republish them, give me an original authors credit AND republish under the same license.   A link back to the site would be appreciated.

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