
Tuesday 3 September 2013

The Daily Teaser — 3-9-2013

Oh, well, that’s THAT done … 

Remembered I said I was dismantling my mother’s old PC?   Well, I managed that, last night.

Hopefully, I should be able to get something for the actual parts: once I’ve sold them on.

The big problem isn’t that, or wiping the hard drive.


It’s what the HELL I do with the machine’s leftover chassis.

It’s ALWAYS the way, isn’t it?   There’s NEVER a rag and bone man around, when you need one … !

Hmmm … Let’s move on, shall we?


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting in her answers: along  letting us she broadly agreed with me about Syria, she ALSLO bagged ten out of ten*.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 3rd September, 1939, saw four countries declare war on Germany, after it invaded Poland.   Name any of them.
Q2) 3rd August, 2013, saw Qatar become independent.   Who’s the current emir, or ruler, of Qatar … ?
Q3) 3rd September, 1976, saw the end of a three day riot: at which UK prison … ?
Q4) The riot was over alleged staff what … ?
Q5) 3rd September, 2012, saw the death of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon.   Which church did he famously found … ?
Q6) Finally … 3rd September, 1954, saw the UK’s National Trust purchase which obscure Scottish island … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 2nd September, 1892, saw the birth of J. R. R. Tolkien.   Who was the main character of his children’s book, The Hobbit … ?
A1) Bilbo Baggins.
Q2) More to the point, that hobbit joined thirteen dwarves and a wizard: to burgle from a dragon.   What was the name of the dragon … ?
A2) Smaug.
Q3) Equally to the point, who was the leader of the dwarves … ?
A3) Thorin Oakenshield.
Q4) Name any of the three books that make up Tolkien’s The Lord Of The Rings … ?
A4) The Fellowship of the Rings, The Two Towers and The Return Of The King.
Q5) What name did Tolkien give to the setting for The Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings … ?
A5) Middle Earth.
Q6) The last book in that setting was posthumously published: and called what … ?
A6) The Silmarillion.
Q7) Tolkien was a philologist, which involved the study of what: alphabets, languages or runes … ?
A7) Languages: especially the ones in written sources.
Q8) At which University was Tolkien a professor … ?
A8) Oxford.
Q9) Name either of the colleges he was a professor at … ?
A9) Pembroke College and Merton College.   (Yes, I know: but that’s the way Oxbridge works …)
Q10) Finally … Professor Tolkien’s best known academic work was a 1936 lecture — and associated article — about which much loved Anglo-Saxon poem?
A10) Beowulf.
I’ll leave you with this thought from Charlie Sheen …
“I would have fired my ass too. Well, maybe not like they did.”
Charlie Sheen, born 3rd September, 1965.
And with Cow Cow Blues, by Memphis Slim … 

Have a good day … 

*          Good score, there, Debbi!   (Oh, did I tell you I think I outdid myself with that question set?   Rolled off the proverbial typewriter.)

1 comment:

  1. Nicely done, Paul! Internet high five? :)

    1. Britain and France
    2. Crown Prince Sheik Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani
    3. Strangeways
    4. abuse
    5. the Unification Church
    6. Anguilla

    BTW, not all blondes are material girls, right? Hmmm ... ? :)

    I'm actually a writer with crappy fingers. Oh, well, huh? :)

    Sorry, Macks do tend to be sarcastic by nature. It shows in my writing. I think I could have had a promising career as a comedian, if I hadn't been so scared of going that route.

    Well, onward and upward. Or, at least, onward. Take care! :)


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