
Sunday 13 October 2013

The Daily Teaser — 13-10-2013: A Bear Called Paddington … 

Oh, blimey … 

It looks like the Weathermen were right.   It’s looking distinctly seedy out … !

Well … I say seedy.

That’s possibly be a touch restrained.   We’re not getting Hurricane Phailin.

But on the other hand … ?

It’s not sunny, either … !

But enough of my banging on.

Let’s get a move on.


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: along with letting us know she thought Red Dwarf was fantastic, also bagged five out of five.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions,   Here they are, along with the ‘How To,’ License and video … 

Q1) 13th October saw the debut of much loved children’s character, Paddington Bear.   In which year of the 1950s?
Q2) Name the writer who created Paddington.
Q3) Who, originally, illustrated the Paddington Bear book … ?
Q4) What was the surname of the (human) family who adopted him … ?
Q5) In which London station did the family find Paddington Bear … ?
Q6) Obviously, Paddington likes sandwiches: filled with what … ?
Q7) Finally … Which South American Country does Paddington come from … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 12th October, 2005, saw China launch the Shenzhou 6 mission: spend how long in orbit … ?
A1) Five days.
Q2) 12th October, 1866, saw the birth of former British PM, Ramsey McDonald: which party was he a PM, for … ?
A2) Labour.
Q3) 12th October, 1994, saw NASA lose contact with the Magellan spacecraft: where was that craft … ?
A3) Venus.
Q4) 12th October, 1810, saw the first of many what held in Munich … ?
A4) The Oktoberfest.
Q5) Finally … 12th October, 1871, saw the passing of the Criminal Tribes Act: in which part of the British Empire … ?
A5) British ruled India.
Enjoy those.

I’ll leave you with this line from A Bear Called Paddington
“Paddington had a very persistent stare when he cared to use it. It was a very powerful stare. One which his Aunt Lucy had taught him and which he kept for special occasions.”
Pages 54 to 54 of A Bear Called Paddington.
And the theme to a noted children’s TV show … 

Have a good day … !

*        I’ve got to admit, I was never a huge fan, Debbi: but I do know that a ninth and tenth series were commissioned for Dave, which I don’t think’s available in the US.   Saying that … ?   I believe you’d be able to get those on Blu-ray, if you have a got look around: I believe you need to look for Region A versions.


  1. A1 1958
    A2 Michael Bond
    A3 Peggy Fortnum
    A4 Brown
    A5 London Paddington – the terminal of the GWR
    A6 marmalade
    A7 Peru.

    I too like Red Dwarf. I always used to watch it when it first came out.

  2. Really! I'll have to look around for those. Thanks! :)

    1. 1958
    2. Michael Bond
    3. Peggy Fortnum
    4. the Brown family
    5. Paddington Railway Station
    6. marmalade
    7. Peru

    Say hello to Karen Chilvers for me. Okay? :)

    I'm still a huge cat lover, and big supporter of the Lib-Dem party, if only in spirit! :)


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