
Thursday 26 December 2013

The Daily Teaser — 26-12-2013: Boxing Day

Phew … !

It’s now — officially — not Christmas Day.

You knew that, didn’t you … ?

At ANY rate, I know I, and my family, have managed to give each other as many gifts as we could: I know I’m appreciating the new keyboard and mouse*.

At ANY rate … ?   Well, I don’t know about you, but I’ve had a fairly good night’s sleep: especially after writing about last’s Dr Who Christmas special, The Time Of The Doctor.

But still feel tired … !   Hopefully, I’ll be able to get over that, given another really strong cuppa.

For ONE thing, my mother’s now got a new iPad mini she wants me to set up.   For another … ?   it’s my nephew, Jude’s, birthday, today.

The other-excitement’s going to give someone a heart attack … !

With THAT all said … ?   Let’s get a move on … !


Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions and answers, shall we?   Here they are, along with the ‘How To,’ License and video … 

Q1) 26th December is Boxing Day: it’s ALSO St Stephen’s Day.   Which king — according to the old carol — looked out on the Feast of Stephen … ?
Q2) That king was ACTUALLY a Duke of which European region: Transylvania, Bohemia or Moldova … ?
Q3) In which country of the British Isles is Saint Stephen’s Day ALSO known as the ‘Day of the Wren’ … ?
Q4) In horse racing, the King George 6th Chase is held on Boxing Day, at Kempton Park.   In which English county is Kempton Park: Surrey, Sussex or Kent … ?
Q5) Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia all have Saint Stephen as their patron saint.   Which Communist country were they once all a part of … ?
Q6) Two Spanish regions also have Saint Stephen as a Patron saint: name either …
Q7) Which one hit wonders had a hit with ‘BoxerBeat’ … ?
Q8) In which English county would you find the village of Box … ?
Q9) What nickname is given to the flight — or data — recorder on planes and other form of transport … ?
Q10) Finally … a humidor is a box designed to contained what … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) Today is Christmas Day: obviously!   Celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, the central figure in which religion … ?
Q2) The first recorded use of the word ‘Christmas’ — the Old English word ‘Crīstesmæsse’ — was in which year: 1037, 1038 or 1039?
A2) 1038.
Q3) The Ancient Roman festival that corresponds to Christmas Day was the Dies Sol Invictus: which translates as the Day Of The Victoriouswhat … ?
A3) Sun.
Q4) Traditionally, Christmas pudding is made a few days in advance of Christmas Day: on Stir Upwhen … ?
A4) Stir Up Sunday.
Q5) Which obligate hemi-parasitic plant are you allowed to kiss under, on Christmas Day … ?
A5) Mistletoe.
Q6) Christmas song, Jingle Bells was originally written to celebrate which US holiday … ?
Q7) The original Christmas Cards were commissioned by Sir Henry Cole: in which year of the 1840s … ?
A7) 1843.
Q8) Christmas Jones appears in which James Bond film … ?
Q9) Noted judge and barrister, Christmas Humphreys, QC, was one of Britain’s best known converts to which religion … ?
A9) Buddhism.
Q10) The ‘x’ in Xmas actually represents which Greek letter: sigma, omega or chi … ?
A10) Chi.
I’ll leave you with this thought from Snopes …
“Gifts among equals were exchanged on or before Christmas Day, but beneficences to those less fortunate were bestowed the day after.”
From the Snopes Entry about Boxing Day.
And with a piece of 1980s frippery … 

Enjoy your day.

*        One of the Apple Magic Mice: takes a bit of getting used to, but it’s not bad … !   Actually … ?   It’s something of a joy to use … !

†        Likewise, Debbi! And I hope the day went well for you and Rick … !   (Actually, did I tell you … ?   Ruth and Jude got me a Gallifrey University: Prydonian Chapter t-shirt.   Families, hey … ? :D )

1 comment:

  1. Cool! One of Rick's young cousins got a Terry Pratchett book for Christmas! He likes fantasy and sci-fi, so I told him that he was in for a treat! :)

    1. Wencelas
    2. Bohemia
    3. Isle of Man
    4. Surrey
    5. Yugoslavia
    6. Catalonia
    7. JoBoxers
    8. Wiltshire
    9. black box
    10. cigars


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