
Wednesday 12 February 2014

The Brentwood Gazette’s Weekly Teaser — 12-2-2014: Fashion

Ye … 

Mothering … 

GODS … !

I have to admit, right at the moment, I’m happily indoors.

Very happily, actually: as lovely as my home town can be, it’s throwing down, right now.

While it’s heavy rain … ?   Well, frankly, I’m just glad I’m not in the UK’s west country regions: or Wales.

Well, where they’re not actually flooded, or under a foot of water, they’re looking at storms with 80 mile an hour winds.

At Least 80 mile an hour … !

Oh … and red weather warnings: meaning that, in those areas covered by the warnings, there are serious threats to life.

As you can tell, I’m glad I’m not in the west country … 


At any rate, today is Wednesday: which means that it’s time for the Gazette’s weekly Teaser.

Here’s this week’s, covered by the usual Creative Commons License* …
Q1) 12th February sees Christian Dior introduce his ‘New Look’ range.   In which year of the 1940s … ?
Q2) This was at the Dior’s HQ: at 30 Avenue Montaigne.   In which French city is 30 Avenue Montaigne … ?
Q3) The phrase, ‘New Look’ was coined by the then editor of which fashionable magazine: ‘Cosmopolitan’, ‘Vogue’ or ‘Harper’s Bazaar’ … ?
Q4) That year also saw the release of Dior’s first perfume.   What was that perfume’s name: Dior Pour Homme, Miss Dior or Opium … ?
Q5) More to the point, which Italian born, French designer, worked on Dior’s perfumes … ?
Q6) In ‘Mrs ‘Arris Goes To Paris’, Mrs Harris went to Paris to buy a Dior … what … ?
Q7) Who performed 2010 song, ‘Christian Dior Denim Flow’: Snoop Dogg, Kanye West or Jay Z … ?
Q8) John Galliano was head of the House of Dior: from 1996 until which year … ?
Q9) More to the point, he hired which South African actress for Dior’s ‘J’Adore’ perfumes … ?
Q10) Finally … In which year of the 1950s did Christian Dior die?
Here’s last week’s questions and answers …
Q1) 5th February, 1996, saw GM food first go on sale in the UK: in two supermarkets.   Name either supermarket.
Q2) What was the item concerned: sauce, dip or purée … ?
Q3) The item was made from a GM version of which fruit … ?
Q4) While we’re at it, what is ‘GM’ short for?
Q5) A plant or animal that’s GM, is a GMO: what does the ‘O’ stand for … ?
Q6) The first commercially available GM food was sold in the US, and was a GM version of what … ?
Q7) Innate, New Leaf and Amflora are GM varieties of which vegetable: the potato, cucumber or pea … ?
Q8) Many forms of GM corn — or maize —  have been made: that produce their own what: inserticides, herbicides or cidebycides …?
Q9) Various religious groups have wondered if GM food will be kosher: what’s the Islamic equivalent to Jewish Kosher food … ?
Q10) Finally … GM foods can also be described as ‘Trans’ … what … ?
A1) Sainsburys and Safeways.
A2) Tomato purée: also called passata.
A3) A genetically modified tomato.
A4) ‘Genetically Modified’.
A5) Organism.
A6) Tomato.      (As a note for readers, it was branded as the ‘Flavr Savr’.   That’s no misspelling: it’s the brand name the company behind it, gave to that specific GM tomato.   The genetic modification slowed down the ripening process: and with it, any softening.)
A7) GM Potatoes.
A8) Insecticides.   (Sorry, I made up cidebycides.)
A9) Halal food.
A10) Transgenic.
Enjoy those: I’ll see you later.

*        Regulars will know already, but for newcomers … all it means is that you’re free to copy, use, alter and build on each of my quizzes: including the Teasers, Gazette Teasers and the Friday Question Sets.   All I ask in return is that you give me an original authors credit on your event’s flyers or posters, or on the night: and, if you republish them, give me an original authors credit AND republish under the same license.   A link back to the site — and to the Gazette’s, if that’s where you’ve found these — would be appreciated.

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