
Wednesday 26 February 2014

The Brentwood Gazette’s Weekly Teaser — 26-2-2014: Jazzed Up

Oh, now THAT’S something … 

I’ve just worked out the the version of the BBC iPlayer on my iPod — a 4th generation iPod touch — can stream to my new Apple TV.

Happy days!

It means if I miss anything on TV, I can stream stuff from the BBC’s site.

That’s good: and a HELL of a saving on blank DVDs … !

Ahem … !


At any rate, it’s Wednesday: which means that it’s time for the Gazette’s Weekly Teaser.

Here’s this weeks, covered by the usual Creative Commons License*
Q1) 26th February saw the very first Jazz record, recorded: by the ‘Original Dixieland Jass Band’.   Which US city did they come from: New York, New Orleans or North Amityville … ?
Q2) One of the two songs on that single was called ‘Livery Stable … ’ what?
Q3) The flip side was called the ‘Original Dixieland …’ what: one-step, two-step or quick-step?
Q4) The company that recorded the record — the Victor Talking Machine Company — shared its logo, a dog listening to an old record player, with HMV in the UK.   What was the dog called: Nipper, Bonzo or Rosie … ?
Q5) Jazz is supposed to have originated in the area of New Orleans called Storyville.   Storyville was what: the New Orleans’ Docklands, red light area or financial district?
Q6) Which notably large-nosed comedian was one of the Original Dixieland Jass Band’s early fans … ?
Q7) The band also recorded a ragtime piece that’s since become a Jazz standard: and named for which stripy big cat … ?
Q8) Jazz also has roots in the marches held in New Orleans what: weddings, baptisms or funerals?
Q9) New Orleans was also the birthplace of jazzman, singer and trumpeter, Satchmo: better known, of course, as who … ?
Q10) Finally … which Miles Davis album is considered the best selling Jazz album of all time … ?
Here’s last weeks questions and answers …
Q1) 19th February saw the patenting of the phonograph: by which American inventor … ?
Q2) More to the point, in which year of the 1870s … ?
Q3) What shape were those early phonographs: cylindrical, spherical or ovoid?
Q4) The original test phonograms were covered in what: wax, tinfoil or Bakelite … ?
Q5) By 1925, disc shaped records — or gramophones — were gaining popularity.   Those gramophones went at how many revolutions per minute: 78, 45 or 33⅓ … ?
Q6) What was the diameter — in inches — of those records: 7”, 10” or 12” … ?
Q7) Early record were made from shellac.   Later ones, from roughly the 1960s onwards, were made from PVC: which stood for poly-vinyl … what … ?
Q8) All these records were analogue, of course.   These days, modern musical recordings are what: digital, analogue or composite … ?
Q9) Which Dire Straits album was the first — on a major label — to sell extremely well, on CD?
Q10) Most modern songs are in the digital format known as ‘MP3’: what does the ‘MP’ stand for … ?
A1) Thomas Edison.
A2) 1878.
A3) Cylindrical.
A4) Tinfoil.   (Bakelite, or polyoxybenzylmethylenglycolanhydride, to give it its technical name, wasn’t developed until 1907.)
A5) 78 rpm.
A6) 10”.   (That, the rotation speed, and the space between the grooves are what generally limited those early recorded songs to roughly three minutes.)
A7) Chloride.
A8) Digital.
A9) Brothers In Arms.
A10) Moving picture.
Enjoy those: I’ll see you later … 

*        Regulars will know already, but for newcomers … all it means is that you’re free to copy, use, alter and build on each of my quizzes: including the Teasers, Gazette Teasers and the Friday Question Sets.   All I ask in return is that you give me an original authors credit on your event’s flyers or posters, or on the night: and, if you republish them, give me an original authors credit AND republish under the same license.   A link back to the site — and to the Gazette’s, if that’s where you’ve found these — would be appreciated.

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