
Friday 21 February 2014

The Daily Teaser — 21-2-2014: The Manifesto

You know, I’ve just glanced outside: and had a look at my preferred Weather app.

And I’ve got to admit, it actually looks halfway decent.

Surprisingly … !

Which will probably a good thing.

Whilst my part of the UK been reasonably unscathed after the recent floods, parts of the UK — the Somerset Levels spring to mind, here — will no doubt welcome both the sunshine.

Or, if nothing else, the fact that it’s stopped raining.

After all, they’ll need the chance to dry out … !


But let’s get moving on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: and bagging four out of five.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How ToLicense and video … 

Q1) 21st February, 1848, saw the first publication of The Communist Manifesto.   Name either of the writers.
Q2) The writers were commissioned to write The Communist Manifesto, by The Communist League.   The Communist League were based in which European city … ?
Q3) In which language was The Communist Manifesto originally written?
Q4) The Manifesto’s writers saw the world engulfed in a class struggle: between workers and those who owned the means of production.   What term did they use for the working classes?
Q5) What was their term for the richer classes workers were warring against?
Q6) The Communist Manifesto argued for the abolition of what: slavery, inheritance or taxation … ?
Q7) It also argued for free what: contraception, children’s education or beer?
Q8) One of the writers wrote a critique of political economy called what … ?
Q9) The Communist Manifesto’s other author wrote The Condition of the Working Class In … where … ?
Q10) Finally … The Communist Manifesto ended by encouraging the world’s workers to do what … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 20th February, 1986, saw the USSR launch the Mir Space Station.   What does ‘Mir’ mean in English … ?
A1) Either ‘peace’ or ‘Earth’, depending on the translator.
Q2) 20th February, 1958, saw the UK Government announce it was closing one of the oldest naval dockyards in the UK: which docks … ?
A2) The Sheerness Docks, near Sheppey in Kent.
Q3) 20th February, 1998, saw Tara Lipinski become the youngest winner of a gold medal, at the Nagano Winter Olympics.   In which sport did she win that medal … ?
A3) Ladies figure skating.
Q4) Talking of medals, 20th February, 1978, saw the awarding of the last ever Order Of Victory.   Who received that medal … ?
A4) Former Soviet leader, Leonid Brezhnev.
Q5) Finally … 20th February, 1993, saw two 10-year-olds charged with the murder of two year old James Bulger, in Liverpool.   Which film was claimed to have influenced the killers?
I’ll leave you this tune … 

And this thought …
“A specter is haunting Europe—the specter of Communism.” From the opening pages of The Communist Manifesto
Have a good day.

*        Yes, it’s their little set-top box, Debbi: you can read about it, here.   (The rumoured TV set is still delayed, though, Debbi: apparently, many US cable companies are refusing to budge on allowing their content on such a thing.   I think that’s where Steve Job’s death has hurt Apple.   If I’ve understood some of the coverage, correctly, the fact many film and music companies agreed to put their content onto iTunes, was down to his negotiating skills.   At ANY rate: I’ve an older Mac and iPod, that means I can stream video and music to my TV.   As you’re running a newer version of the Mac operating system, you’d be able to use it to stream a lot more.   AND be able to use it to turn your TV into an extra monitor.   You’d also be able to use it in conjunction with the version of iMovie on your machine, to make trailers: at least, if I’ve understood things correctly.)

1 comment:

  1. It's going to be fun working with this computer, once I've figured everything out.

    1. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
    2. London
    3. German
    4. proletariat
    5. bourgeoisie
    6. inheritance
    7. children's education
    8. The Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts
    9. England
    10. unite!


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