
Saturday 8 February 2014

The Daily Teaser — 8-2-2014: The NASDAQ

You know, I don’t think I’ve seen a winter like this … !

If you’re in the UK — or following the UK news — you’re probably aware the we’ve got it damp, this winter: with quite a lot of rain on the go.

Rain … 

And in parts of the south and south west being severely flooded: and facing more storms, today.

I’d like to say it’s ridiculous: except, of course, that it’s causing genuine distress, hardship … 

And anger: with quite a lot aimed at Lord Smith, the head of the Environment Agency.

Understandable anger.

Given I don’t think anyone else has seen a winter like this: but feel quite a bit more could’ve been done to help, a lot sooner than it has.

Hmmm … 

I think we’re going to have to see what happens, aren’t we … ?


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* and Pink Fluff putting in their answers: and saw Debbi scoring eight out of ten, with Fluff bagging six.

Let’s see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How ToLicense and video … 

Q1) 8th February, 1971, saw the debut opening of the NASDAQ stock exchange.   NASDAQ stands for National Association of Securities Dealers Automated … what … ?
Q2) In which US city is it based … ?
Q3) The NASDAQ is the world’s second largest by market capitalization: what’s the largest … ?
Q4) In which City is Europe’s largest stock exchange … ?
Q5) Japan’s two major stock exchanges are in two cities: name either city.
Q6) China has access to two Stock Exchanges: one of which is in Hong Kong.   Where’s the other … ?
Q7) Finally … what currency does the NASDAQ quote its prices in … ?
Here’s yesterday‘s Beatles themed questions and answers …
Q1) 7th February saw The Beatles arrive in the US: for their first US tour.   In which year of the 1960s … ?
A1) 1964.
Q2) On which TV show did they appear, two days later … ?
Q3) Name any member of The Beatles.   (The classic famous line-up: Stuart Sutcliffe and Pete Best don’t count.)
Q4) Question 3 mentions Pete Best and Stuart Sutcliffe: which of these men was Ringo Starr’s predecessor as drummer?
A4) Pete Best.
Q5) What was the band’s first UK Top Forty hit?
A5) Love Me Do, which got to № 17.
Q6) What was the name of the band’s first US album … ?
Q7) 1963 saw The Beatles have three UK № 1s in a row.   Name one of those songs.
Q8) What — in the UK — was the first single released by The Beatles?
A8) My Bonnie: which only ever got to № 48.
Q9) In which Beatles’ film does George assure viewers that “It’s all in the mind, y’know” … ?
Q10) Finally … what was the last album the band released, not long after they broke up in 1970?
A10) Let It Be.
I’ll leave you with a very well known Pink Floyd tune … 

And this thought from Albert Camus …
“It’s a kind of spiritual snobbery that makes people think they can be happy without money.”
Albert Camus.
Have a good day.

*        Wouldn’t it just, Debbi … ?   (I mean … that’s a LOT of nugget … !   Think what you could do with the money … !   I’m ALSO thinking it’s a VERY appropriate song … !)

1 comment:

  1. Indeed it is, given the subject. I remember buying that album, too! :)

    1. Quotations
    2. New York
    3. the New York Stock Exchange
    4. London
    5. Tokyo
    6. Shanghai
    7. the US dollar


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