
Monday 24 March 2014

The Daily Teaser — 24-3-2014

Oh, BLESS ’im … !

Did I tell you I’ve a nephew … ?

Just the one: called Jude.   That’s him, there, with the cars: he’s a BIT of a petrol head … !

And one that’s managed to charm the rocks off his old uncle, as well.

By turning around, last night, as he was off to bed, and saying “You’re my FRIEND, Uncle Paul … !”

Bless him, what do you do with a kid like that … !?!


But let’s get a move on, shall we … ?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: and bagging six out of six.

So let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How ToLicense and video … 

Q1) 24th March, 1882, saw Robert Koch discover the bacterium responsible for which disease?
Q2) 24th March, 1958, saw which star join the US Army?
Q3) 24th March, 1896, saw the world’s first radio transmission made: by which Russian scientist … ?
Q4) 24th March, 1999, saw a fire in the Mont Blanc Tunnel — between France and Italy — kill 38 people.   In which mountain range is Mount Blanc?
Q5) Finally … 24th March, 2003, saw the Arab League vote in favour of the removal of British and American troops: from which country … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 23rd March, 1933, saw the German Reichstag pass the Enabling Act of 1933: allowing who to effectively be named as Germany’s dictator?
Q2) What’s the name of the current version of the Reichstag?
A2) The Bundestag.
Q3) 23rd March, 1919, saw Benito Mussolini found the Italian Fascist movement.   In which Italian city … ?
A3) Milan.
Q4) 23rd March, 1989, saw Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischman announce their discovery of which technique … ?
Q5) 23rd March, 1857, saw the first lift — elevator for my US readers — installed in a tower block.   Who was the New York resident who invented it … ?
Q6) Finally … 23rd March, 1965, saw the launch of NASA’s first two-man space mission: was this Gemini 3, Mercury 4 or Apollo 5?
A6) Gemini 3.
Give today is the birth of R. Lee Ermey, I’ll leave you with this (only slightly rude) tune … 

And with this thought† …
“I’m not sure whether I’m an actor who races or a racer who acts.”
Steve McQueen, March 24, 1930 – November 7, 1980.
Enjoy your day.

*        Oh, Debbi, I just caught last night’s episode of The Musketeers: it’s serious fun … !

†        Today — and tomorrow — mark the anniversary of the escape from Stalag Luft III: better known as The Great Escape.   A quote from Steve McQueen seems rather apt.

1 comment:

  1. I'll bet. Rick's not into the swordplay thing. But I'd probably enjoy it. I know I loved Robin Hood with Errol Flynn.

    1. tuberculosis
    2. Elvis Presley
    3. Alexander Pope
    4. the Graian Alps
    5. Iraq

    In fact, he wasn't sure he was going to like "Ripper Street", because it's a "period drama". But it's a crime drama and the writing is excellent, so that's always a winning combination! It won him over. :)


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