
Monday 3 March 2014

The Daily Teaser — 3-3-2014: The Empire In The East

Oops … !

BIG Oops!

AHEM … !

I have to admit, I’ve last night’s episode of The Musketeers on in the background.

And while I don’t know how close they are to the original novels … ?

They’re proving to be great fun, as far as I’m concerned: lot’s of extreme babysitting in this weeks, and all sorts of goings-on.

Oh … And a Medici … !

Like … goings-on … 

Hmmm … I’ve got to be in Basildon, today: I’d better get a move on, hadn’t I … ?


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting her answers: and bagging ten out of ten.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s Imperial questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How ToLicense and video … 

Q1) 3rd March, 1924, saw Abdul Mejid II deposed, when his post was abolished.   What was the post he held: Emir or Caliph?
Q2) Which empire had he been ruler of … ?
Q3) That empire’s ruling house was called what: Osman, Osmond or Osbourne … ?
Q4) Who was the first ruler of the empire?
Q5) What was the official religion of the empire: Judaism, Christianity or Islam … ?
Q6) The empire’s army included the Janissaries.   The Janissaries were an elite force of what: infantry, dragoons or cavalry?
Q7) What — by the time the Empire collapsed — was the empire’s capital city … ?
Q8) What was the empire’s currency: the dinar, lira or dirham?
Q9) Which modern country is the successor state of the empire … ?
Q10) Finally … Who was the reformer — and World War 1 Army officer — who founded that modern state … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 2nd March saw the formal chartering of the UK’s College of Arms.   By which English king: Richard 1st, Richard 2nd or Richard 3rd … ?
A1) The obscure bit of rhyming that is Richard 3rd.
Q2) In which year of the 1480s was this … ?
A2) 1484.
Q3) The College of Arms covers every country of the UK: apart from where … ?
A3) Scotland.
Q4) What’s the equivalent body, in that part of the UK … ?
Q5) The three senior officers of the College of Arms are are called whats of arms?
A5) Kings of Arms.
Q6) The next rank down are called what: dukes, heralds or pursuivants … ?
A6) Heralds in Arms: the pursuivants of arms are the most junior.
Q7) If your coat of arms is the pattern the College of Arms calls Chequy, it’s got what sort of pattern: chequerboard, striped or honeycombed … ?
Q8) The shield in your coat of arms is party per pale.   This means it’s divided in half, how: horizontally or vertically?
Q9) Two or more coats heraldic shields combined into one are said to be what: privated, generalled or marshaled?
A9) Marshaled.
Q10) Finally … what name is given to the various figures — usually animal in nature — standing on either side of a heraldic shield?
A10) The supporters.   (Although Cornwall County Council has a fisherman and a tin miner.)
Enjoy those.

I’ll leave you with this thought …
“Devlet-i Ebed-müddet”
Motto of Abdul Mejid II’s empire.
And with this song: as the composer would’ve been alive at the time of Abdul Mejid II … 

Enjoy your day … 

*        Cheers, Debbi!   I’m rather pleased with that one … !

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! :)

    1. Caliph
    2. Ottoman
    3. Osman
    4. Osman I
    5. Islam
    6. soldiers, comprised of war prisoners and slaves
    7. Constantinople
    8. lira
    9. Turkey
    10. Mustafa Kemel Ataturk


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