
Sunday 6 April 2014

The Daily Teaser — 6-4-2014: Thank You For The Music

Blimey … 

I think they’re going to last …

Remember, yesterday, I told you about Brentwood now has its own branch of Games Workshop?

Well, I have to admit, I went up there, yesterday: along with old friend, Graham, and his daughter.

I THINK Graham might just regret that.

Because I think his daughter was rather taken with the Warhammer 40, 000 figures.

I think someone’s wallet’s going to suffer … 


But let’s get a move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser was quiet: with no one putting in their answers.

So let’s see how you do with today’s on slightly Abbaesque questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How ToLicense and video … 

Q1) 6th April saw ABBA win the Eurovision Song Contest, with their hit, Waterloo.   In which year of the 1970s?
Q2) In which English city was that year’s contest held?
Q3) Name any member of ABBA.
Q4) According to Wikipedia, ABBA are their home nation’s best selling band.   What nation was that … ?
Q5) What was the band’s first hit, in that home nation?
Q6) What was the band’s first Top Ten US hit … ?
Q7) What — in 1973 — was the name of the band’s first album … ?
Q8) Which ABBA song is ALSO a type of spotlight … ?
Q9) The two male members of ABBA wrote a musical with Sir Tim Rice.   What was it called … ?
Q10) Finally … what’s the name of the film and stage musical, that uses quite a few ABBA songs … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 5th April is the feast day of Saint Vincent Ferrer: the patron saint of plumbers.   The word, plumber, comes from the Latin word for which metal … ?
A1) Lead.
Q2) 5th April, 1998, saw the death of which noted drummer, in a car crash on the M4 … ?
Q3) 5th April, 1614, saw English colonist, James Rolfe, marry Native American, Pocahontas.   Which noted American astronomer was one of their descendants?
Q4) 5th April, 1932, saw the lifting of the ban on the sale of alcohol: in which European country … ?
A4) Finland.
Q5) Finally … 5th April, 1722, saw Dutch explorer, Jacob Roggeveen, discover which statue covered Pacific island … ?
I’ll leave you with this tune … 

And this observation …
“I wanted a name that would put us first in the phone directory, or second if you count ABBA.”
Martin Fry, frontman of ABC.
Have a good day … 


1 comment:

  1. Hey there! Been a good weekend.

    1. 1974
    2. Brighton
    3. Benny Andersson
    4. Sweden
    5. Say It with a Song
    6. Dancing Queen
    7. Ring Ring
    8. En Carousel
    9. Chess
    10. Mamma Mia!


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