Q1) 14th May saw the administration of the world’s first vaccination: against which disease?
Q2) In which year of the 1790s was this … ?
Q3) Who was the English doctor who developed and administered the vaccine … ?
Q4) He developed the vaccine from a lesion of a sufferer from which disease … ?
Q5) The word ‘vaccine’, comes from the word ‘vacca’: the Latin word for what … ?
Q6) Finally … in which year did the World Health Organization declare the disease in question to have been eradicated … ?
Q1) 13th May, 1952, saw the first opening of the Rajya Sabha: the Upper House of which country’s Parliament?A1) India’s.
Q2) 13th May, 1787, saw Captain Arthur Phillips — and the Fleet he led — leave Portsmouth: bound for a Penal colony in what’s now which country … ?A2) Australia.
Q3) More to the point, the Fleet landed in which Bay … ?A3) Botany Bay.
Q4) 13th May, 1888, saw Brazil pass the law that banned what … ?A4) Slavery.
Q5) Finally … 13th May, 1937, saw the birth of inventor, Trevor Bayliss: famed for inventing a wind-up … what … ?A5) Radio.
“Having considered the development and results of the global program on […] eradication initiated by WHO in 1958 and intensified since 1967 … Declares solemnly that the world and its peoples have won freedom from smallpox, which was a most devastating disease sweeping in epidemic form through many countries since earliest time, leaving death, blindness and disfigurement in its wake and which only a decade ago was rampant in Africa, Asia and South America.”World Health Organization, Resolution WHA33.3
‡ I know some of my friends like physical copies of film and other entertainment media: as did/do I. However … ? I’m also of the opinion that physical formats are going to be increasingly less important as time goes on. Indeed, ALL of my frequently used media is now digital only. I feel more of us will be doing this, as time goes on. In point of fact … ? I feel all we really need to argue about … ? Is who inherits our media collections, in cases of death or divorce: something I know is being discussed as we speak.
True for me on the digital front, except when it comes to books. I still buy both digital and print.
ReplyDelete1. smallpox
2. 1796
3. Edward Jenner
4. cowpox
5. cow
6. 1979