
Monday 19 May 2014

The Daily Teaser — 19-5-2014: Malcolm

You know, I love a good TV series, I really do.

No, really … !

And I have to admit to having borrowed copies of the Buffy The Vampire Slayer boxed sets.

Personally, I happen to think Series Five — the one with Glorificus — is possibly the best one Joss Whedon and co. made.

Yes, I know there’s two more left after Series Five.

But series five, throwing Buffy against the ultimate in villains — her own mother’s tragic death from a brain aneurysm — made it possibly one of the most riveting bits of TV.

And the highlight of Buffy The Vampire Slayer.


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s saw Debbi* putting in her answers: and bagging five out of six.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How ToLicense and video

Q1) 19th May, 1925, saw the birth of activist, Malcolm Little: it’s celebrated, in parts of the US, as a holiday in his name.   How is Malcolm Little better remembered?
Q2) Which religious movement had he joined, whilst in prison … ?
Q3) Which boxer joined the same movement: in part at Malcolm’s inspiration … ?
Q4) Malcolm came to the attention of the American public, after the beating and arrest of whom, in 1957 …?
Q5) Malcolm said the greatest honour he received was getting the honourary Yoruba name, Omowale, from Nigerian students, in 1964.   The name translates as ‘Son who has …’ … what … ?
Q6) 1964 saw Malcolm make the traditional Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca.   What name is given to this journey … ?
Q7) 1964 also saw him visit the UK: where he spoke at that year’s debate of the Oxford Student Union.   That debate was televised by whom … ?
Q8) Who played Malcolm on film, in a well known 1992 film … ?
Q9) The film is based on Malcolm’s 1965 autobiography: co-written by Malcolm, and the author of Roots.   Who was that author … ?
Q10) Finally … Malcolm’s eventual death, in 1965, his been blamed on the (present) leader of the group he used to belong to.   What’s that leader’s name … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 18th May, 2005, saw the Hubble Space Telescope take a second photo of two new moons: around which dwarf planet?
A1) Pluto.
Q2) Name either of those moons.
A2) Nix and Hydra.
Q3) 18th May, 1972, saw doctors announce who was too ill to have tea with the Queen … ?
A3) Her uncle, The Duke of Windsor: who, in a former life, had been Edward 8th.
Q4) 18th May, 1998, saw the US Department of Justice file anti-trust charges against Microsoft.   The central issue of the case was whether Microsoft should’ve included which piece of software, with its Windows operating system?
A4) Internet Explorer.
Q5) 18th May, 1980, saw the eruption of Mount Saint Helens, in Washington State.   Which S is 96 miles to the north of the volcano?
A5) Seattle.
Q6) Finally … 18th May, 2009, saw the end of the civil war: in which country … ?
A6) Sri Lanka.
I’ll leave you with this tune … 

And this thought from the man, himself … 

“I’m not going to sit at your table and watch you eat, with nothing on my plate, and call myself a diner. Sitting at the table doesn’t make you a diner, unless you eat some of what’s on that plate.”

Have a good day!

*        I’ll definitely have to put him on my ‘To Read’ list, Debbi!   (Once I’ve got Buffy out of the way: series five is starting to heat up … )

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, Paul! BTW, did you see my review of Guards! Guards! on my blog? :)

    1. Malcolm X
    2. Nation of Islam
    3. Muhammad Ali
    4. Johnson Hinton
    5. come home
    6. Hajj
    7. the BBC
    8. Denzel Washington
    9. Alex Haley
    10. Muhammad Abdul Aziz


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