
Monday 5 May 2014

The Daily Teaser — 5-5-2014

Oh, now that’s sad.

It seems that British Tennis player, Elena Baltacha has died of Liver Cancer.

At the age of 30 … !

Obviously, I never knew the woman: nor watched her play.

But it does seem sad — bordering on tragic — that someone that age should die at such a comparatively young age.

Speaking personally … ?

Well, speaking personally, I can only offer my condolences to her family.

And quietly hope something good comes of this.

Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: and bagging nine out of ten.

Let’s see how she, and you, do with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How ToLicense and video

Q1) 5th May, 1967, saw the launch of the first British-built satellite: from Vandenburg Air Base, in California.   What was it called?
Q2) 5th May, 1937, saw the birth of Radiophonic Workshop member, Delia Derbyshire: who’d famously arranged the theme tune to Dr Who.   What was the name of the band she formed, with composer, David Vorhaus, and fellow Radiophonic Workshop member, Brian Hodgson?
Q3) Three years later, 5th May, 1940, saw the birth of actor, Lance Henriksen.   In which 1984 film did he play Detective Hal Vukovich … ?
Q4) 5th May, 1821, saw the death of Napoléon Bonaparte: on which island?
Q5) Finally … 5th May, 1905, saw the trial of the Stratton Brothers start.   The case was notable as the first use of what: DNA evidence, fingerprint evidence or blood group matching … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) For the seriously geeky, 4th May is Star Wars Day.   The seventh film in the series is due to be released in December of which year: 2014, 2015 or 2016 … ?
A1) 2015.   (The day is named, in part, from US dating conventions: in other words ‘May The Fourth Be With You’.   Feel free to groan.)
Q2) It’s recently been announced that many of the original cast have been hired to appear in that seventh film: who’s due to re-appear, as Han Solo … ?
Q3) The original Star Wars film was released on 25th May: of which year … ?
A3) 1977.
Q4) Veteran actor, James Earl Jones, is due to appear in a Broadway revival of You Can’t Take It With You.   Who’s voice did he provide, in the original series of Star Wars films … ?
A4) Darth Vader’s.
Q5) According to a recent BBC report, bookmakers, Paddy Power are quoting odds of 66 to 1 on the new film being called Attack Of The … what
A5) Ewoks.
Q6) John Boyega has been cast in the new Star Wars film.   In which 2011 film did he play Moses … ?
Q7) In the original film, the Death Star is destroyed by Luke Skywalker.   Who leads the squad that destroys the second Death Star, in Return Of The Jedi … ?
A7) Lando Calrissian: played by Billy Dee Williams.
Q8) George Lucas famously created the original Star Wars franchise.   What was the name of the production company he created for the job … ?
A8) Lucasfilm Ltd, LLC.
Q9) The company was ALSO responsible for another well known franchise: starring Harrison Ford as which archeologist?
A9) Doctor Henry Walton ‘Indiana’ Jones, Jr.
Q10) Finally … George Lucas’ company — now making Star Wars 7 — is now owned by WHICH media giant … ?
A10) The Walt Disney Company: or just Disney.
I’ll leave you with this tune … 

Oh, and this …

And with this thought …
“There are many ways of seeing the world. You can hang upside down from a meteor, volunteer to be the fourth stage of a three-stage rocket, or simply get in a balloon and keep going. But if it's sheer, unadulterated discomfort you're looking for, just stay on land.”
Michæl Palin, born 5 May 1943.
Have a good day.

*        Never knew you were a fan, Debbi†.   (I have to admit, I didn’t quite take to the prequels: but the originals were part of my generation’s childhood.   And, I think, responsible for the acceptability, today, of science fiction.)

†        Oh, Debbi, did I tell you it’s Delia Derbyshire’s birthday, today … ?   It’s Delia Derbyshire’s birthday, today … 

1 comment:

  1. I love the original Star Wars movies! I'll never forget seeing the first one in the theater. Amazing!

    1. Ariel 3
    2. White Noise
    3. The Terminator
    4. Saint Helena
    5. fingerprint evidence

    And happy birthday Delia D!!! :)


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