
Wednesday 7 May 2014

The Daily Teaser — 7-5-2014

Right … 

It’s Wednesday, again!

Which means I’ll be signing on, again, today.

I have to admit, though, I’m mildly disappointed my adviser’s off: ill, unfortunately.

After last Wednesday’s interview — and failure to get a job as a result — I can’t help but think that brushing up on my interview technique would be helpful.

Actually, a lot of things would be helpful.

But let’s concentrate on the achievable ones.

Either way … ?   Well, either way, it’ll have to wait until my adviser gets back.

As frustrating as it is to wait, she’s the one to organize it … !

With that said … ?

Let’s get a move on, shall we?


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: and scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How ToLicense and video … 

Q1) 7th May, 2001, saw the Pope visit the capital of Syria.   Which pope … ?
Q2) More to the point … what was the city … ?
Q3) 7th May saw the first launch of the Space Shuttle Endeavour: in which year of the 1990s … ?
Q4) 7th May, 1429, saw Joan of Arc pull an arrow out of her shoulder, during the Siege of Orleans: then lead the last charge.   During which War was the Siege … ?
Q5) Finally … 7th May, 1896, saw the execution — by hanging — of serial killer, Dr H. H. Holmes.   In which US city did he commit most of his murders … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 6th May, 1889, saw the Eiffel Tower officially opened to the public.   In which city is the Tower … ?
A1) Paris.
Q2) What’s the French name for the tower … ?
Q3) Who was it named after: an architecture, engineer or designer … ?
A3) An engineer: Gustave Eiffel, so you know.
Q4) The Tower was built as part of the 1889 World Fair: held one hundred years after the start of what: the American Revolution, the French Revolution or the Glorious Twelfth?
A4) The French Revolution.   (Give yourself a meaningful look if you said the Glorious Twelfth: that’s Grouse Hunting season …)
Q5) Finally … the Tower is roughly the same height as what: a 71 story building, an 81 story building or a 91 story building?
A5) At 324 meters, about the same height as an 81 story building.
Given it’s Art of Noise co-founder, Anne Dudley’s birthday, today, I’ll leave you with this tune … 

And with this thought …
“If I have to apply five turns to the screw each day for the happiness of Argentina, I will do it.”
Eva Perón 7 May 1919 – 26 July 1952.
Enjoy the day … !

*        Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’ve seen you do it, Debbi!

1 comment:

  1. I believe I have. And thanks! :)

    1. John Paul II
    2. Damascus
    3. 1992
    4. the Hundred Years' War
    5. Chicago


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