
Thursday 8 May 2014

The Daily Teaser — 8-5-2014: VE Day

Hmmm … 

Is anyone ELSE having an issue with YouTube … ?

Let me clarify: is anyone else out there having issues using or accessing YouTube, using Safari 5.x, under Snow Leopard … ?

I know I am, as are others: going by what I can see of the YouTube forums.

I’ve tried my usual range of stuff: from clearing my copy of Safari’s caches and history, to system wide cache clearing, to dumping the relevant .plist files.

With no good result.

And, wouldn’t you know it … ?

Wouldn’t you know it, interacting with YouTube’s forum — trying to post questions myself — is ALSO affected by whatever’s causing the problem.

Grrrr … !

Hmmm … Let’s get a move, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting in her answers: and scoring four out of five*.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How ToLicense and video … 

Q1) Today is VE Day: marking the partial ending of World War Two.   What does VE stand for … ?
Q2) More to the point, in which year was the end of World War Two … ?
Q3) Technically, VE Day marks the day which hostile country surrendered … ?
Q4) On which date had that country’s forces in Italy surrendered … ?
Q5) Who was that country’s leader, at the time of its surrender … ?
Q6) Who was British PM, on VE Day … ?
Q7) More to the point, VE Day, 1945, was the US President’s 61st birthday.   Who was US president … ?
Q8) On which day do the former Soviet Union influenced countries celebrate VE Day … ?
Q9) Which noted Jazz trumpeter and radio presenter was playing trumpet in Trafalgar Square, on VE Day … ?
Q10) And finally … what were the only parts of the UK to be occupied during World War 2?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 7th May, 2001, saw the Pope visit the capital of Syria.   Which pope … ?
Q2) More to the point … what was the city … ?
A2) Damascus.
Q3) 7th May saw the first launch of the Space Shuttle Endeavour: in which year of the 1990s … ?
A3) 1994.
Q4) 7th May, 1429, saw Joan of Arc pull an arrow out of her shoulder, during the Siege of Orleans: then lead the last charge.   During which War was the Siege … ?
Q5) Finally … 7th May, 1896, saw the execution — by hanging — of serial killer, Dr H. H. Holmes.   In which US city did he commit most of his murders … ?
A5) Chicago.
I’ll leave you with this song … 

And with this thought …
“We have all of us made our mistakes, but the strength of the Parliamentary institution has been shown to enable it at the same moment to preserve all the title-deeds of democracy while waging war in the most stern and protracted form.”
From Sir Winston Churchill’s Speech to Parliament, on VE Day.
Have a good day.

*        My pleasure, Debbi, any time … !   (Oooh, meant to ask, are you having trouble interacting with YouTube … ?)

1 comment:

  1. I'm having all sorts of trouble. Too many troubles to get into here. :)

    1. Victory in Europe
    2. 1945
    3. Germany
    4. 25 April 1945
    5. Mussolini
    6. Churchill
    7. FDR
    8. May 9
    9. Ray Gelato
    10. the Channel Islands


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